28. Together or apart?

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💭By Dreamer💭

3rd person POV

"Please Izuku, I love you." When Izuku heard those words he immediately turned to Katsuki and ran straight into his arms. "I LOVE YOU TOO, KACCHAN!" Izuku yelled as he cried in the blond's chest. Katsuki grabbed Izuku's chin and planted a soft kiss on his lips. Izuku blushed a little. The vampire then wiped away the tears on Izuku's cheek with his thumb and looked deep into his eyes. "Izuku." He started. "Can I keep you forever?" Izuku smiled widely and answered very happily. "YES of course!" Katsuki smiled softly for the first time in ages. They kissed again and lived happily ever after.

Or do they?

"How dare you kiss in front of me! I am your master DOG! You have to listen to me! Now come HERE!" Overhaul yelled. "No, Your not my master. My master is-" Izuku answered but couldn't end his sentence. "No one. He doesn't have a master and he doesn't need one. He is his own master and my boyfriend." Katsuki answered for Izuku. Overhaul didn't seem to like that. He grabbed a knife from his pocket and put it against Eri's throat. "Let's see, shall we? DOG COME HERE NOW! or Eri will die." 

Izuku froze in place. How could someone be this horrible to a sweet little girl? Izuku was about to run to them but got stopped. "Don't go. it's a trap." Katsuki said. "I know but I can't let him hurt Eri. I promised her that I would protect her from him." Izuku explained and Katsuki let him go. Izuku ran to Overhaul. "Fine here I am but please don't hurt her." Izuku pleaded. Overhaul let Eri go and she ran into Izuku's arms while crying. "Deku, I'm scared." Eri said. (Made me think about Jack frost for a moment) "I know, I know but I need you to do something for me okay?" Izuku asked and Eri nodded. "I need you to run over to that blond man over there." Izuku pointed to Katsuki. "Can you do that for me?" Eri nodded again and ran to Katsuki.

"Now that the brat is gone it's just me and you as it should be, but your heart belongs to someone else." Overhaul said thinking. "I now know that you will never be truly mine. And if I can't have you THEN NO ONE CAN!" Overhaul yelled as he stabbed Izuku.

(400 words)

This was part 28 I'm sorry if it's short. I hope you still enjoyed it and have e great day. Keep dreaming. dreamer out^-^

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