23. Stolen

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💭By Dreamer💭

3rd person POV.

When Izuku woke up he wasn't in the car trunk anymore. He was in a bed with Eri sleeping next to him. The room was dark but he could see light coming from behind the door. Izuku slowly got up and walked over to the door. He followed the light until the end of the hall and stopped by the door. He heard people talk but couldn't make out any words. It was Overhaul and Katsuki. Izuku opened the door and walked to Katsuki. "Go back to sleep, Dog." Katsuki said. Izuku still didn't understand why the blond was acting so mean. "It's late." he added. "But I just woke up, Master." Izuku protested which was clearly a bad idea. "Shut up DOG! go back to sleep or I will shove some sleeping drugs in your mouth." Katsuki yelled. "Okay, sorry Master." Izuku turned back around and walked back to the room where he woke up. Tears were already spilling from his emerald green eyes. Katsuki already hurt him multiple times physically but this hurts Izuku emotionally. Sure Izuku is Katsuki's pet and he already excepted that but being called a dog is painful. after all, Izuku Is starting to like the blond but he knows that Katsuki will never like him back. All Izuku can do now is life with him for the rest of his life and hope that Katsuki will let him into his heart. 

When Izuku got to the room he opened the door and saw Eri crying. It immediately stopped his tears. "What's wrong Eri?" Izuku asked the girl. "D-deku, I am s-scared. I thought y-you left m-me." "Eri don't worry. I won't leave you and I will never let that man hurt you again, okay?" "You promise?" "yes, I promise and I never break my promises." Izuku walked over to Eri and used his sleeve to wipe away the tears on the little girl's face. Eri smiled and Izuku smiled back.

Katsuki and Overhaul were still talking.

"Your pet made my pet less afraid of me. He is a special kid." Overhaul spoke. "Yeah, I know." Katsuki answered. "I also heard from the boys that you killed a lot of people in the burning building just because they asked for him." Overhaul said "Yeah. those bastards." Katsuki replied. "You like him, don't you?" Overhaul asked. "No, I don't like him.

I love him. But I don't want my heart to break. I just learned how to live with the pain of my last crack and I am sure that if it cracks once more that it will be broken forever." Katsuki explained. "Well that's the risk about love, someone always gets hurt. Some people say that it is worth the risk but we mafia leaders don't get love. from the moment you let your pet in your heart, show them all your weaknesses, and let them do things they should be punished for. They will just take advantage of it and escape the moment they have the chance. Don't trust him, don't let him into your heart. Anyway, it is getting kind of late." Overhaul said as he stood from the sofa and walked to the door. "There is a spare room right around the corner." He said as he walked out of the room leaving Katsuki alone to think. 

The next morning Katsuki woke up early again. Overhaul was awake as well since he didn't sleep all night. He was busy with some things. "I already woke your pet for you. He is ready to leave." Overhaul said. And just like that, they left.

an hour later Izuku woke up. He opened his eyes to see Eri next to him again. Izuku crawled out of bed careful not to wake the gray-haired girl. He walked to the living and saw Overhaul sitting on the sofa watching TV. "Oh, you are awake." Overhaul said. "Yeah, where is master?" Izuku asked "Oh that mean man had enough of you and left you here with me. I am your master now. he said he hates you and never wanted to see you ever again. But don't worry I will take care of you." Overhaul lied smirking.

(699 words)

This was part 23. Poor Izuku If it's not him then who is it that went home with Katsuki? You will read it next time ;) anyway, I hope you enjoyed it and have a good day. dreamer out^-^

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