52. Not waking up

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💭By Dreamer💭

3rd person POV.

The following day, Katsuki woke up with a satisfied feeling. All his stress from the previous events where gone, he had a good night's rest and his lover was sleeping in his arms. What could possibly be better? Normally the blonde would get out of bed and start the day but now he wanted to enjoy holding Izuku while the greenette was still asleep. He slid his fingers through the green curls of his lover. Katsuki loved to watch Izuku sleep, not in a creepy way but in a loving way. His face would look so peaceful while resting.

About an hour later Katsuki decided to get out of bed and get breakfast. He put on some sweatpants and left the room. When he got downstairs everyone was freaking out. "Did you find his location yet?" Mina asked. "No, there isn't a single thing of evidence that they left behind. No footprints, no fingerprints, nothing." Kirishima answered. "We have to find him!" "Have to find who?" Katsuki asked when he got into the kitchen. "The boss is mis-... Bakubro? Wait where were you? We thought you got kidnapped or something since we couldn't find you." Kirishima explained. "I was still in bed you idiot, you didn't bother to check my bedroom?" "Well no, since you never sleep this long." "Hmm."

Katsuki just walked over to the stove and grabbed everything he needed to make breakfast. He was completely chill and didn't yell at Kirishima for not checking his bedroom. What happened to the vampire that has anger issues? Kirishima was confused about what got the vampire in such a good mood but Mina knew exactly what was going on. "So, how was your night, boss?" Mina asked smirking. Katsuki cocked a brow. "What do you mean, raccoon eyes?" Katsuki questioned. "Well one, you are in a good mood. Two, Izuku is still asleep and is normally already awake at this hour. And third, your wearing sweatpants, you never wear sweatpants." Mina stated and her smirk grew. Kirishima's eyes widen when he figured it out. "Oh bro, so manly." "Yeah yeah whatever, now leave me alone I'm making breakfast." 

A couple of minutes went by and Katsukiwas done making breakfast. He was carrying it on a plate upstairs. When he entered his bedroom he saw Izuku still sleeping in the exact same way. Katsuki placed the plate of food on the nightstand next to the large king-sized bed. The blonde sat down on the bed next to his lover and grabbed a hold of his smaller hand. "Izuku, wake up my love." Katsuki whispered into his lover's ears. Izuku didn't hear. "Izuku, darling. come on wake up, I made you breakfast." Izuku didn't move. "Come on, Izuku wake up!" Katsuki was getting worried, he chook Izuku, trying to wake him but nothing worked, Izuku just wouldn't open his eyes. "Shit, not again!" 

Katsuki lifted Izuku off the bed and rushed out the door. He ran through the halls with Izuku in his arms all the way to Recovery girl's office. The door flew open and Katsuki rushed in and placed Izuku on one of the hospital beds. "Mr. Bakugo? what's got you so worried?" Recovery girl asked. "It's Izuku, he isn't waking up again!" Katsuki said panicked. Recovery girl walked up to Izuku and studied him. Lifting his shirt, listened to his heartbeat, and ran a blood test. While she was doing this Katsuki looked and waited the whole time. It was annoying her a bit but she knew how much this boy meant to the blonde. 

After all the tests came empty there was nothing she could do. Recovery girl was about to take a break but then something caught her eye. There were black lines on Izuku's skin close to his neck. She pulled Izuku's shirt down and was met with more black lines. The lines were black blood vessels that spread from the black bite Todoroki gave him. This was very concerning, Izuku was poisoned. "The bite was poisoned? but how did I miss that?" Recovery girl questioned. "What is it?" Katsuki asked worriedly. 

"Izuku's is poisoned with a very slow but powerful poison, probably from Todoroki's bite. The poison is so slow that it shouldn't be able to spread so far in a couple of nights. But because of your... activities, It spread way faster." Recovery girl explained. "There better be a cure!" Katsuki yelled expecting Recovery girl to have a plan, but she only shook her head slowly no.

There is no cure.

(767 words)

Hiii, dreamer here hope you liked it, lots of love❤


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