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I was leaving my house, this morning was one of my lease favourite mornings.


When I woke up, and got ready, I headed downstairs. When I headed into the kitchen. My parents were in there. It was really quite while I tried to make myself food, since the doctor give strict orders that I had to eat. I couldn't look at my mother, I can't believe she thinks its my fault that my brother killed himself. When I tried to reach for the bread, my mom said "are you sure you want to eat we would all be happier if you starved yourself again and died. Why are you still alive?" I didn't answer her. "Fine, don't talk to me then." She then left the room.


I came to the front of the school. Where the 3 of them were waiting. Why do I have to get beat up every morning, what did I do to them. As usual, I got punched, kicked and called names. They then left me there. I got up and touched my face, my lip was bleeding. My arms had scratches on it, how does that happen. Is one of them a cat of something. I headed into the school. The bell rang, now am going to be late. I was walking towards the washroom when I saw Calum. I put my head down hoping he won't notice me. But of course, I have no luck. Calum saw me and came towards me. When he was in front of me he lifted my head. He saw my face and asked "did they do this to you?" Knowing who he was talking about I nodded my head yes. I don't know why I answered his question. "Come on", he grabbed my hand and brought me to the girls bathroom. " Calum what are you doing?" I asked as he started to clean me up. "What does it look like" We didn't talk for a little bit. "So have you thought about what I said", Calum asked. "I did and I don't know." I said, knowing he was talking about him wanting me to forgive him. "Come on, please I want to be your friend." "Fine", I said. "Great, now can I see your arms", I showed him my arms but turned my head because I didn't want to see his face when he notices that I still cut even though I told him I would try and stop. "Why?" "It's a long story", I said. "Tell me I got all day". I took a breath and started to talk. "It started when you guys started to bully me. I became a loner and the names that you called me really hurt me. I lost my only friend because you started a rumour and he became to embarrassed to be my friend. My brother killed himself, and that took a toll on me. My parents are another reason. They abuse me, call me names and I found out that they blame me for my brothers death." I was now crying. "Hey it's going to be okay, you'll get though this I know you will okay." I didn't say anything. I just rested my head on Calum shoulder. At lease I found someone who I think will be there for me.

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