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I was walking home and Calum was walking next to me. We were sharing earphones and listening to All Time Low.

When we got to my house. I asked Calum if he wanted to come in. "What about your dad?" he asked. "Climb through the window." "Okay." he said. I walked into my house, and went straight upstairs, ignoring my dad. I opened the door and told Calum that he could come up. "I think that tomorrow you should come to my house. So this way I don't have to climb through your window." Calum said. "Yeah, I am sorry about how my dad reacted. He usually leaves for work earlier." "Its fine." Calum and I stayed quite.

"Do you want to do any thing?" I asked after a while. "Do you have Fifa?" he asked. "Sorry, nope." I said. "See this is why we should have gone to my house." he said, and I giggled.


(The next day)

Calum left my house around 10 and I went to sleep after that. It was now morning and I was walking to school. When I arrived to school and saw 4 guys waiting for me, I stopped walking. The fourth guy was Vincent.

I started to walk and I had my head facing the ground. It didn't take long for them to notice me. "Hey how has your life been bitch?" Ashton asked. "Fine" I mumbled. "Well were here to make it worse." Vincent said. "You already have." I whispered, hoping they didn't hear me.

I got a punch to the stomach and that was it. Because someone stopped the punch that was about to hit my face. When I looked up I saw it was Calum. I felt relieved. "What do you think you are doing?" Luke asked. "Standing up for my friend". "Can't believe your hanging out with someone like her." Luke said. "Shut the fuck up." Calum said

Calum then wrapped his around my waist in a friendly manner and we walked into school.

"Thanks." I said. "No problem. Im not going to let them push you around if I have a say in it."

I walked into my first class and he walked to his.


It was now lunch and I was at a lunch table all by myself. I didn't know where Calum was.

I was eating my lunch when Michael, Luke, Ashton and Vincent sat at the table where I was. My body became stiff, why are they sitting here? "What do you have to eat." asked Michael. "Pasta and juice". I answered. "Do you mind if I take a sip of your juice?" Michael asked. Before I could responded Michael grabbed my juice and took a sip out of it.

"Monica! This is gross!" He yelled, and poured the juice on top of me emptying the bottle.

I jumped, I was drenched in juice. "What the hell was that for!" I yelled. "Did I deserve that. In fact I don't deserve any of your bullshit! Do you guys know how badly you have ruined my life. Part of me finds it stupid that you actually do this shit! Do you really have to beat up someone at my level to get attention." I continued.

"You have ruined most of my life! Do you know how many nights I find my self in my bathroom with a blade in my hand and blood dripping down my arm." I then rolled up my selves, showing my cuts. "There are a least 10 for each one of you. And you." I said looking at Vincent.

"What are you doing hanging out with them. You where my friend for the longest time. But in the end you turn out to be a asshole. You knew what was my life was already like, and then you go and become one of the reasons why I hate my life. I had enough of this! I don't care if your going to beat me up for saying all these things, but I don't care."

I then grabbed my pasta and threw it at the 4 of them. I turned around and walked out the door, ignoring the looks that everyone was giving. I didn't look at them to see the reaction. And I know that I would probably pay for it later, but right now I felt happy and I just wanted to leave.

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