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I was leaving the cafeteria, and as I was walking I heard someone in the background yell "food fight!".

In the conner of my eye I saw someone about to walk into the cafeteria. "You probably don't want to go in there." I suggested. When the person turned to face me I saw it was Calum. "Oh, hey Monica. Why would I not want to go in there?" Calum asked. "Because it looks like their about to have a food fight. Or that's what I heard when I walked out from in there." I said.

Right after I said that I heard something bang against the window of the door to the cafeteria. It was mashed potatoes.

"Well there goes someone's lunch." I stated. "Great, now the cafeteria's going to be in a big mess and I am not going to be able to eat food." Calum said.

"Well we could go outside and eat." I suggested. "I would have agreed to that but I don't have any food with me, I planed to buy lunch." Calum said.

"I have an idea, but I don't know if you'll be up for it." I said. " I'm up for anything as long as I get food." Calum said.

"Okay. I don't know if you know but according to other students, the best food that the cafeteria has is in the kitchen storage room near the back."

"Okay? Where are you going with this?" Calum interrupted.

"Calum do you want food or not?". He nodded his head. "Okay, then let me finish."

"Like I was saying, the best food is in the back. Now I was thinking that if you are really that desperate for food we can skip next period and sneak into the storage room and eat whatever we want. And if you are wondering why we can't do it now, its because we will probably get caught. And the period after lunch, the lunch ladies take a break. Which will gives us time to sneak in. So are you up for it or are you going to back down?" I finished.

"Sure, I am up for an adventure. Just one question. How do you know all these things?" Calum asked.

"I have my ways, now come on we need to go to the entrance of the back of the kitchen." I said, while grabbing Calum's hand and dragging him along, while I tried to find the kitchen.

The bell rang around us, but I just ignored it and continued to walk. Everyone was walking, and I just keep on pushing people to try and make my way through.

It took me 15 minutes to find the entrance. The bell for the next period had rang already so everyone was in their classroom.

I opened the door, and poked my head inside to make sure that there was no body in there. When I found nobody, I told Calum to come in.

"Start looking around for the door that leads into another room. It should have a label saying 'storage room'." I said. We started looking around. It didn't take that long.

"Over here." I said. Calum and I walked into the storage room. There was a freezer, which I guess had ice cream and frozen food in it. There was also shelves which had food on it.

"Okay, time to dig in." I said and Calum started searching through the food. Calum had gathered a lot of food. I opened the freezer door to see lots and lots of ice cream. I reached in and pulled out a tub of vanilla ice cream.

"You like vanilla ice cream? That's so plain." Calum said. "Ya, I know but that's what I like about it." I said. "Well at least put some chocolate sauce on it", Calum said. "If you say so."

Calum got up to go get the sauce which was on a shelf and then sat down again, but closer to me so he could put the chocolate sauce on the ice cream. As soon as Calum squirted some sauce out, he missed and it landed on my shirt.

"Oh God, I'm so sorry I didn't mean to." He said. "Its okay." I grabbed the bottle and squirted the sauce at Calum. "See now we are even." I said. "Hey! No fair. My was by accident." Calum said while standing up and grabbing the other bottle of chocolate sauce, and squirted me with it.

"Oh, it's on." I said. "Only if you can catch me." Calum said, and ran out the door. I ran after him."Calum where are you?" I said, and Calum jumped in front of me and squirted more sauce onto me. "You're going to pay for that." I said chasing him around the room. We were making a pretty big mess.

After about 5 mins of running around, I sat down, getting really tired. I didn't know where Calum was, I kind of lost him. I still had the bottle in my hand, as protection, just in cause Calum decided to sneak up on me and cover me in sauce.

I was already pretty wet and sticky because Calum had shoot me more then I had shot him.

I stood up and started walking around, even though I was still tired. "Where you looking for me" I heard Calum ask. I turned around but nothing was there. When I turned back to the front Calum was in front of me. I started to run even though it was no use. I keep on running until I slipped and fall. All I could her was Calum laughing at me. "It not funny. I could've hurt myself". I said. "Oh ya, sorry. Are you okay little girl?" Calum asked and I threw my bottle at him, which he dogged.

I got up and looked at the clock. the bell would ring any minute, and we would get caught. "Ha ha. You think your very funny. But what's not going to be fun is getting caught. Come on, we need to change." I said grabbing Calum's hand and bringing him outside. Calum walked to his locker and I walked to mine.

When I reached my locker I found out that I didn't have clothes to change into. Great. I started to walk to Calum's locker maybe he knows where I can get extra clothes.

"Calum." I said when I approached him. "Ya?". "Do you know where I can get extra clothes I don't have any to wear." I asked. "Um, well I don't really know where you can get extra clothes, but if you want I have a sweater you can change into." Calum said. "Thanks." I said. My pants weren't that dirty so, I really only needed a top. Calum give me his sweater and I changed in the girls bathroom. Calum's sweater was a little too big on me but I thought it looked nice.

When I headed back outside I saw Cal waiting for me."Hi". "Hey." Calum and I started walking around the school.

"Excuse me but what do you two think you are doing?" a voice said form behind us. When I turned around I saw it was a teacher.

"Um...we just came out of the washroom." Calum said. "Ya, sure okay. I'm giving you both detention."
Great. He then walked away.

The bell rang above our heads. Really the bell couldn't have rung five seconds earlier. "Well, I will see you after school then." Calum said and walked away.

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