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I can't believe it's Ashton at the door. I'm so fucked right now. I knew Ally got back together with Ashton, and I knew she had company coming over I just didn't think that the person would be Ashton. I turned around, paying attention to the tv, and ignoring the feeling of Ashton eyes staring at me. "Ally." Ashton called. " In here", Ally said. Ashton moved from were he was standing and walked into the kitchen. I didn't mean to eavesdrop, but they were talking a little loud. "What is she doing here?" Ashton asked. "She has a name, and she came here because she needed to use the washroom." "Okay, fine, but what is she still doing in the house?" Ashton asked another question. "We're going to have a movie marathon, you can join us or you can leave. Monica's a friend of mine". "Sorry, its just I don't like her, and I don't think you should be friends with her." "Why?" Ally asked. " Ill tell you later." "Okay, do you still want to hang out or?" "No, it's fine, I just better not sit next to her." "Don't worry me and you will be cuddled up on another couch." "Okay." "Good, now let's go watch the movie." I then turned my attention back to the tv again, as Ally and Ashton walked back in the room with their hands intertwined with each other. Ally forgot the popcorn. Great, so I have to stay here with Ashton and I don't even get popcorn. They sat on another couch, as I put in the movie, Mean girls. I began to watch the movie, but I couldn't help seeing Ashton and Ally making out.


I was walking home now, I left half way through the second movie which was Pitch perfect. I just made up a lie, and said I had to go home. I knew I should leave, because Ashton keep giving me looks, telling me to get lost. So I left, not only because Ashton wanted me to leave but it was wired watching the movie when all I could hear was kissing sounds and the words I love you, over and over again. When I walked into my house my dad was watching tv, I walked by him and walked upstairs, were still not talking to each other. I sat on my bed thinking about what Ashton would say to Ally about why he doesn't like me. It was just making me sad because I was pointing out all the things I hate about me, so there was a long list. I was on the edge of crying when I heard something make a noise. I walked around my room trying to find where the noise came from. I heard the same sound several times. I came to my window and looked out to find Calum throwing rocks at my window. I opened the window to talk to him. "What are you doing?" I asked. "Well your parents didn't let me in so I did the next thing I could think of". Calum said. "Well, why did you want to talk to me? And how do you know where I live?" I asked. "I came here because I couldn't wait any longer to see your pretty face". My cheeks started to turn red. "I know where you live because, I brought you to your house once. If you remember it was raining that day." "Oh ya, I remember now. Um, are you just going to stand outside or do you think you can climb that tree and climb through my window. This way I can actually see you." "Sure, give me a sec." Calum responded and started to climb the tree that was next to my window. When he made it, through my window he started to look around my room. My walls were painted teal and my furniture was black."Well what do you want to do", I said while sitting on my bed and turning on the tv. "Well, I surprised that you let me in your room and your talking to me. Considering, the fact that I just beat you up a few days ago." Calum said. "Well I thought about it, and I forgive you, I'm giving you a second chance." "Cool, You know your pretty awesome." "Thanks" "Your welcome". "What where you doing earlier today?" I asked. "Nothing, you?" "I was hanging out with the only other friend I have besides you." "Well, that sounds nice. Do you want to do something?" I nodded my head."We could play 20 questions and get to know each other better?" "Okay, I'll start. What is your favourite colour?" "Blue, you?" "Purple". Calum then asked a question. "What type of music do you listen to?" "I can listen to anything but Country. So I usually listen to bands like Blink-182, Green Day or All Time Low. What do you listen to?" "The same as you." "Cool." We continued to ask question. I was having a fun time until Calum asked if I had a brother or sister. "I use to, until he killed himself" I said, holding back tears. "Sorry, I didn't know." "Its okay, He's in a happier place now." The room was quite, filled with awkward silence. "So, um what is your favourite movie?" I asked Calum trying to lighten up the room. "Paranormal Activity", He answered. "I have that movie if you want to watch it with me?" I asked Calum. "Sure", Calum said. I put the movie in and jumped on my bed to face the tv. Calum joined me on my bed. I grabbed the blanket behind me and warped it around me and Calum. The movie started and I turned to face Calum he had a smile on his face. I glad that we can be friends again. I faced the tv and payed attention to the movie. When the scary parts came on I would hide my face under the covers and Calum would put his hand around me and bring me closer to him. When the scary parts where over I would take the blanket off my head and turn my head back to the movie. I was happy Calum was here to keep me safe.

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