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It was 10:30, on a Saturday. After the day Calum beat me up, he tried to talk to me afterwards. But, I didn't let him, I just keep walking away, trying to ignore him. My parents aren't talking to me, but its not the first time. I was outside and walking towards my secret hiding place. I find that I come here a lot. When I reached my tree, I climbed it. I then heard a noise coming from the trees and bushes I walked through. I hugged the tree as if it was a person that could keep me safe. Even though I had no one that would keep me safe. When a arm and leg appeared out of the trees, my heart began to race faster, and faster by the second. Who could have followed me here? When the person came into view, and turned around I saw that it was Calum. I calmed myself down. I didn't really want to see him, but I guess it's better than some complete stranger. When Calum saw me on the tree branch, he looked sad. "Listen, can I talk to you?" He asked and I nodded my head no. But he still talked to me. "I know that, you shouldn't let me talk to you". Calum began to climb the tree to reach me but I climbed higher. "Listen, I know I messed up. I am so fucking stupid. My friends told me that if I still wanted to hang out with them I would have to beat you up. Because I didn't realize that they aren't my real friends, I said that I would." He whispered something, but I couldn't pick it up. He continued to climb higher. "You shouldn't forgive me. I would be one luckily guy if you did. I'm sorry, I know I messed up. I chose the horrible friendship with my friends over the most prettiest, and kindest girl I have every seen." I smiled when he complemented me. "I had just created a wonderful friendship with you, but I let my friends peer presser me. And I know that I shouldn't blame my friends for everything, because I went along with it. I'm such a jerk. I'm a asshole. A horrible friend. Call me whatever you want. But just know that I'm sorry." I just looked at Calum. Why does he care so much about being my friend. We all lose friends every once in awhile, but we soon learn to get over them. "Calum, why do you care so much about being my friend?" I asked. Calum looked down " It is kind of a personal question, but maybe I can tell you one day." "Okay, I understand." There was a pause. " So um, can we be friends again? I understand if you want to think about it or if you don't want to be my friend. If I was in your place I wouldn't forgive the stupid bastard. But if you do it would make my day." Calum started. " Calum, I just don't know. I'll think about it. But if you don't mind can you leave." He nodded his head. He seemed upset. I kind of felt bad even though I know I shouldn't. " Oh, Calum, please don't tell the others about this place please." "I won't I promise". Calum started to climb down and began to walk away from me. I began to question myself. Did I make the right decision. I think I might have lost the only person that cared about me. Fuck, I am so stupid. I just let another person, slip away from me. And if this is like my other very few friendships, it probably won't heal. Just like a scar I have on my foot, that didn't heal from when Carson accidentally drop a glass on my foot. That's another person that left a mark on my heart.

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