♦ chapter eleven ♦

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Jane, Signy, and Thor strolled through the door of the girl's apartment where Darcy, Ian, and Erik Selvig were waiting for them

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Jane, Signy, and Thor strolled through the door of the girl's apartment where Darcy, Ian, and Erik Selvig were waiting for them. "Jane!" Darcy exclaimed. "You can't just leave like that. The whole world is going crazy. All the stuff we saw is spreading."

Thor hung his hammer from the coat rack as he and his sister strode further into the room. "Oh, hello, everyone," Signy murmured.

"Did you go to a party?" Darcy asked, suddenly acknowledging their fashion choices. Thor and Signy were in their battle robes while Jane wore a borrowed dress of Signy's, blue with a silver bodice.

Jane and Erik reunited with a hug. As they pulled back, the doctor said, "You've been to Asgard."

And Jane said, "Where are your pants?"

"Oh, he, uh- he says it helps him think," Ian, Darcy's intern, supplied helpfully.

"Okay, well I'm gonna need everything you've got on this. All the work you've been doing on gravimetric anomalies, everything."

Signy limped into the room and lowered herself to a chair, wrapping a stream of water around her leg so she could heal her broken bone.

"Are you well, Erik?" Thor asked hesitantly.

"Last time we met, you were in a pretty rough spot," Signy acknowledged.

Erik chuckled. "Your brother's not coming, is he?"

"Loki is dead," Thor said solemnly.

"Oh, thank God!" He then took in Thor's offended look and Signy's expression of devastation and retracted. "I... I mean, I'm so sorry."

"Thank you," Thor said, accepting a hug from the doctor.

Erik went to hug Signy as well, but she held up a hand. "Oh, that's alright. Maybe later, when you're wearing pants."


Signy stuck with her brother while the others ran around affixing Selvig's posts to specific points in the Greenwich area. They had determined that this is the spot Malekith would need to be where the realms would align perfectly for his plan.

The siblings flew down before their enemy as Malekith said, "You needn't have come so far, Asgardians. Death would've come to you soon enough."

"Not by your hand," Thor argued.

"Your universe was never meant to be. Your world and your family will be extinguished!"

Malekith sent out a blast of energy towards the pair. While Thor was quickly thrown back, Signy was able to propel herself upwards with a wave of water. She spun around and sent a shard of ice towards the creature which he easily shattered before it reached him.

Thor stood once again only for both he and Signy to be thrown back before they could retaliate.

Thor regained his ground, pushed back by a swarm of dark energy from the Aether, bright lightning fracturing around him. "You know, with all that power," Thor said as he stood and brushed a stream of blood from his mouth, "I thought you'd hit harder."

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