♦ chapter eighteen ♦

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"I'll take Natasha and Clint," Steve said as he attached the shield to the back of his suit

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"I'll take Natasha and Clint," Steve said as he attached the shield to the back of his suit. He and the rest of the Avengers team were preparing to leave the Barton home and all the safety it represented in favor of saving all that it held within its walls.

Signy looked on to the team leaders, Tony and Steve, from a few feet away while she dug through her bag searching for the special material of her suit.

"Alright. Strictly recon. I'll hit the NEXUS and join you as soon as I can," Tony said.

"Uh, hello? What about me?" Signy questioned, draping her suit over her shoulder.

"You are going back to Avengers Tower with Bruce," Tony ordered. "You're not needed for this mission. And, Thor's not here to activate you. And... you are a child."

Signy laughed dryly. "I'm nineteen for Odin's sake! Did you really think that would work? Come on, there's no way I'm just going to sit back and watch when I could be out helping. Protecting people. Shit, I'll go stir crazy. Since when do I need my brother's permission to do my job? What is this, 1922?"

"Since always. To reiterate, you are a-"

"If you say child, I will slap that stupid beard right off your chin," Signy threatened.

Steve rolled his eyes with a smile and said, "Next time, kid. Promise. This is a need-to-brawl basis. And you do not need to brawl."

"I'm activating her," Fury said, approaching them from behind and stopping by Signy's shoulder.

Her eyes double in size. "Really?"

"She's young, but she is still an Avenger," Fury reminded them. "You're dealing with killer robots and you're denying the help of a girl with water powers? I spoke with Ms. Hill. She testified that Signy can run some water through these bastards' veins and rip apart a bot without even touching it. Ms. Odindotter is anything but fragile."

Tony scoffed. "Since when are you the boss of us again?"

"I'm not the boss of anything anymore," the former director agreed. "But something tells me the Captain will still take my word as final."

Signy looked up at the blonde-haired, blue-eyed hero hopefully. Steve groaned as he adjusted the cuffs of his suit. "Let's get on the damn jet."

"Watch your mouth, sir. I'm a child," Signy reminded with a small smile.

They all turned to Tony, as if a true final word was needed despite the fact that the decision had clearly been made. "Strictly recon," Stark repeated, pointing his finger at the blonde teenager.

She bit her lip to hold back her smile. She would get to help. That was all she needed to bring her out of this rut of powerlessness. This was her opportunity to regain control.

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