♦ chapter twenty-two ♦

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Pietro and Signy landed right outside one of the boats

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Pietro and Signy landed right outside one of the boats. Just onboard, Clint was looking around, making sure there weren't any lingering civilians. The two teenagers approached the boat as a woman called out for her son.

"Costel!" she said worriedly. "We were in the market. Costel!"

Clint seemed to register movement across the paved road. Pietro and Signy looked on. She grasped his shoulder, watching with uncertainty in her eyes. "Let's wait. See what happens," she said carefully.

Pietro nodded, placing his hand over hers reassuringly. He separated from her, however, when gunfire rained down on the streets. A cry broke from Signy's throat as she watched Clint prepare to shroud the boy from the bullets with his body. A human shield. Just as her brother had done for her on countless occasions.

She looked up only to see Pietro gone from her side. A blue streak ran from the boat to a nearby car, throwing it in front of the pair at the last minute.

But Signy wouldn't stand for that.

"No!" she shrieked, all the water drawing from the vials across her chest and the air around them without her knowledge. A pillar of ice rose from the ground, following Signy's hand upwards. And, when the water ran out, instead something else flew from Signy's hand. A bright burst of pale, teal light.

The beam flew through the air and shot into the side of Ultron's ship, sending it hurtling towards the ground. The gunfire was redirected, stopping inches from the upturned car.

Wanda watched from afar as the beam of energy shot into the air, knowing Signy was the source. She smiled to herself, saying, "Knew it."

Pietro didn't run back to Signy.

He walked, surprise coloring his features as his eyes never left the pillar of ice in the middle of the street. Pietro's fingers extended down so he could hold both of her hands in his. His thumbs ran over her palms. "I did not see that coming," he murmured.

Signy's vision was still clouded by a layer of unshed tears. "Shut up," she said, closing the space between them and throwing her arms around his shoulders. Pietro's arms looped around her waist, hugging her tightly. "He's okay, Wanda," Signy directed to the comms, knowing his twin was listening with baited breath from the center of the city. "He's okay."

Pietro's face nuzzled her neck and hair as he tightened his arms around her waist. "God, I can't wait to get these comms off," he chuckled. Again, Pietro loved the way Signy's laugh bubbled through him everywhere they touched.

"I heard that," came Thor's voice over the comms, only making Signy laugh harder.

With Pietro and Signy standing on the edge of the boat, they watched in horror as Sokovia fell from beneath them. Steve jumped up just as the ground grew too far away.

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