♦ chapter sixteen ♦

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"And the almighty God of Thunder," Pietro laughed

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"And the almighty God of Thunder," Pietro laughed. "I was hoping to catch another glimpse of your sister."

Sparks of lightning grew between Thor's fingertips and throughout his hammer as Steve took over before Thor lunged at the boy. "You two can still walk away from this," he attempted. "I know you've suffered."

The conversation, in the middle of Ulysses Klaue's weapons base, continued in front of them until Ultron and Tony finally flew at each other, suddenly engaging in conflict. The twins and a collection of hijacked Iron Legion bots focused on Thor and Cap as Klaue's mercenaries approached Signy and Black Widow. Ice sharpened to knives between Signy's fingers as she stabbed her fist into the man pouncing on her from behind. Another sharpened piece of ice grew from her knee as she impaled another soldier through the midsection.

"That new suit's doing wonders, LIttle Hepburn," Nat laughed as she took down another few men. Signy smiled ruefully in agreement. It still felt new, only the second time she'd worn the suit since Tony started working on it for her. The teal, mossy green of the material matched her eyes and refracted off of the ice that easily grew from the material. Water consistently flowed through the fabric of the suit, a constant engine for her to retract liquid from. More vials of water were draped across her chest for any necessary, larger projects that needed a big supply.

Soon, Ultron called for some mind games via Wanda's abilities. She reached Thor first, but he stayed lucid for moments after initial contact. Long enough to hear Steve through the comms say, "Thor, status."

"The girl tried to warp my mind," he said. "Take special care. I doubt a human could keep her at bay. Fortunately, I am mighty." A moment later, he walked from the facility into a scene straight out of Asgard.

"Shit. I better go check on him," Signy muttered to Natasha as they took down the last of that group of mercenaries.

"What do you mean? He says he's fine," Nat said, simultaneously alerting Signy to an approaching group of soldiers.

"Exactly," Signy sighed, raising a wave beneath her and propelling herself straight through the group of guards, icing them to the walls as she went.

Elsewhere, Quicksilver snuck up behind Cap, throwing him to the ground. This gave Wanda the opportunity to creep out of the corner and attach herself to Steve's mind just as she had done Thor's. Finally, Wanda quietly approached Black Widow.

Signy was left walking alone down the halls, keeping her footsteps quiet as she looked around corners for any sign of her older brother. Wanda was soon behind the girl, slowly raising her hand to connect her power to her mind, but her arm was stopped by a hand of ice.

"There aren't many people who can sneak up on me," Signy said, channeling her adoptive brother.

The ends of Wanda's lips quirked up. "Pietro told me you were smart... but when my brother's the judge, I can never be so sure." A slight drawl to her words, Signy's question was answered: her accent did match the elegance of her twin's.

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