♦ chapter thirteen ♦

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The Quinjet landed at the renovated Avengers Tower, largely changed since the Attack on New York

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The Quinjet landed at the renovated Avengers Tower, largely changed since the Attack on New York. Though it maintained its unique shape and imposing stature, Stark's name was replaced with a simple 'A' and the midsection had been transformed to a landing ship for times such as this. The upper levels were reserved for the Avengers, both practically (like Banner's lab) and leisurely (like the seating space for parties and relaxation and the bedrooms off down one hall).

Clint was the first off the Quinjet, laid back on a stretcher and quickly carted away by Helen Cho and her helping hands. They rapidly spoke Korean back and forth about Clint's condition and their plans of rehabilitation.

Signy watched with her lip caught between her teeth anxiously, but stayed at the ship beside Tony and Steve to hear any possible updates on the enhanced they encountered in the field. Signy wasn't quite sure why her interest was piqued by this pair, perhaps it was her deep-seated need for revenge after Clint's injury, but she couldn't be sure. All she knew was that she desired all available information on the boy she met and the other enhanced she'd hardly heard about.

"Lab's all set up, boss," Maria reported as she entered the back of the jet. Signy came up beside her and accepted the arm the agent threw over her shoulder in a half-hug.

"Oh, actually, he's the boss." Tony pointed to Steve, saying, "I just pay for everything and design everything and make everyone look cooler. Speaking of, that new suit treating you well, Siggy?"

"Quite," she replied, looking down at herself. It was much tighter than her Asgardian robes, but similarly colored mossy teal which her mother used to say was the exact shade of her eyes. What was so new and improved, however, was the self-sustaining water source which threaded through the fabric. Signy's greatest struggle was constantly needing to pull water from the air when a source wasn't present which Tony was easily able to solve.

"What's the word on Strucker?" Steve questioned, walking on Maria's other side while Signy stuck close.

"NATO's got him," Maria said.

"The two enhanced?"

"Wanda and Pietro Maximoff. Twins." Signy leaned over towards Steve to see the screen of the tablet Maria handed him. On it played a video of them at the front of a protest in their home country. "Orphaned at ten when a shell collapsed their apartment building."

Steve swiped and this was evidenced by a cement building reduced to rubble. "Oh dear," Signy muttered at the sight.

"Sokovia's had a rough history," Maria continued as they walked towards the facility. "It's nowhere special, but it's on the way to everywhere special."

"Their abilities?" Steve asked.

"He's got increased metabolism and improved thermal homeostasis. Her thing is neuroelectronic interfacing, telekinesis, mental manipulation." Signy nodded in understanding, but Steve gave her a confused look. "He's fast and she's weird."

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