Chapter 7

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I can't believe this gorgeous guy is related to Rhys. I mean it's not like I really know him just of him we don't really hang with the same crowd. I'm more into the books and studying while he's more popular and parties,a lot. I remember a couple times last year in one of our switch classes he had came in hungover and slept the entire class. A true player if I've ever seen always had a different girl on his arm after a weekend of partying, which got me to thinking if his cousin is like that too. As I walk away to call Chloe I stood there with my phone in my hand and deciding whether or not I should actually call her or just walk away. I'm not all those girls they talk to and I'm definitely not a slut who will just sleep with any guy. I look back over my shoulder and see they are in deep conversation so I decide this would be a new start to setting my new life in motion. As I press the green call button with one ring she answers and man I think she blew my ear drum with her yelling. "Oh my god, are you ok? You've been for 30 minutes. Did you get lost? Did someone try to kidnap you?" I start laughing at her ridiculousness and try to calm her down. "No, I changed like I said I would but I got side tracked by the flowers. I started thinking of my mom and lost track of time. I was coming to find you when I sort of met a guy", and there went my ear drum again. "Are you crazy you can't just start talking to rando guys B." "Yes I know that but Chlo you should see this guy I mean he's absolutely breathtaking and he looks at me like I'm a mythical creature he's discovered. He's actually cousins with someone I go to school with, crazy huh what a small world." "What guy?" "Umm, Rhys Polk. His names Gavin and I want you to come down by the garden shop and meet them. They seem nice and I know Rhys, sort of so I know he wouldn't let me just go with his cousin if he's bad news." Hopefully I say out loud but softly and hopefully she didn't hear me. I'm waving my arms towards the shop as I try to give her directions and stay on the phone as long as possible. "Ok I'm on my way, maybe this Rhys guy could be my one and only" I laugh at her as I hang up my phone and turn back to the guys who are looking at me. Rhys has a concerned look where as Gavin has a pity look with a bit flash of hardness to it. Mmm wonder what Rhys told him to give me that look.

"Ok guys so Chloe's gonna meet us here. Is that ok? If not I can call her back, I didn't even ask. Oh my goodness, I'm so stupid we just met why would you wanna be stuck with some girls you just met? I'm gonna call her back, I'm so sorry." "No!" They both yell out at me. I raise my eyebrow and just slowly nod at them. "I mean we just met I want to get to know you a little better, if that's ok?" Gavin asks me, I blush as a nod at him. "B" I hear Chloe yell from behind me I turn to her and wave as she walk towards me. I see her look at Gavin then over to Rhys who widens his eyes at her. In my head I'm thinking this will work out . "Hi" she says as she blushes in all the years I've known her I've never seen her blush at a guy. He looks at her and a small smirk pulls at his lips. I look at her and she looks away knowing I've caught her, "so Rhys, Gavin this is Chloe. My best friend since we were 10." She goes back to Rhys to talk leaving me with Gavin.

As we start walking around he looks at me again, "wanna play 20 questions?" He asks me. I nod and we start mostly with easy ones favorite color, about school, then we slide into the hard ones. "So, I live in Beaumont with my mom and little sister Leeann. She's actually the reason we're here, it's her 16th birthday and she's been talking about coming to this festival for the last two weeks." He rolls his eyes and I can picture him getting frustrated at his sister going on and on about it. Strange when I don't really know him that well but for some reason I feel safe and comfortable with him. I laugh at him as I tell him about my brother "yeah my little brother gets that way with his football games. He goes on and on about what happened or any drama that went on." "Oh your brother plays ball? Me too I'm quarterback at my school" "Really, wow yeah he's linebacker, he's pretty buff for a 14 year old I must be feeding him right." I let out a little laugh, he looks at me with sympathy that's when I realize what Rhys told him. "She died 2 years ago from breast cancer, it was hard at first but we have a routine now and he's getting older so he doesn't really need me as much as he did." He nods but keeps walking. "My dad got a new family 3 years ago, him and my mom got a divorce and in the beginning he was trying to still be involved in our lives but around a year afterwards he met Lacy and 6 months later they married. He hasn't really acknowledged us since then we see him at Christmas that's about it." He looks away and I swear I seen a tear slide down but I didn't say anything about it.

We kept walking and asking questions when we stopped by a picture booth. He grabbed my hand and pulled me into it and put money in the slot. " I wanna have a souvenir of this trip to remember it by." He tells me to smile, we take 3 different pictures with different poses with each one. The first one is we're just smiling at the camera, the second one I'm still smiling at the camera but at last minute he turns and is looking at me from the side , at the last one I turn to look at him and as I'm looking into his eyes his drift down to my lips. I look back at the timer and with 3 seconds left I definitely get out of my comfort zone as I grab him behind his neck and smash my lips to his right as the camera clicks.

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