Chapter 26

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Shaking the sleep from my eyes I make my way out of my bed and head to my bathroom to get this Monday started. Yah, note the sarcasm. I hope my senior year isn't as bad as my previous years, I want to just flow through this year and leave this place behind. Deciding on an outfit on the first day is always the hardest for me, I try to pick something that doesnt draw to much attention to myself, just be invisible. I decide on a pair of blue jean shorts and a light pink t-shirt and my black converse shoes. For my hair I just throw it up a high ponytail and light makeup. I send Gavin good morning and good luck on first day text and head into the kitchen for a quick breakfast. Cutter is already at the table eating a bagel so I head to the coffee pot for a cup of coffee and bagel for myself. "You need a ride to school?" I ask him, "No, Liam and Ellis are gonna swing me and pick me up. Thanks though sis" he says as a horn honks from outside indicating his friends are here. "Bye see you there" he yells over his shoulder as the door shuts behind him. I sit in the quiet kitchen eating, watching the sun rise out of the kitchen bay window, my dad leaves every morning at 6:30am before the sun comes up to head to the shop to get the inventory and supplies ready fro the day. Glancing at the clock it reads 7:45am, I got 15 minutes before school starts so I rinse my cup out in the sink, grab my backpack and head out the door.

Pulling into the parking lot of Dayton High School, 'Go Broncos' banners hang in front of the school as I pass under them entering the school. The senior hall is to the left passed the cafeteria, I see my brother with his friends as I pass the cafeteria, he's sitting on the table while his friends are around I'm laughing. I'm so glad hes fitting in so far. Reaching the senior hall I head to my locker, seeing Rhys I give him a small smile knowing we don't run in the same circle's so he might not acknowledge me like he does outside of school. To my surprise he waves at me, his friends around him gives him a weird look so I turn and finish putting my books in my locker and switching them out with my first period books, math. Shutting my locker I turn and bump into someone but of course not jut anyone. Amy. "Watch it  bitch or believe me I will make this year the worst year of your life" she sneers at me. I roll my eyes as I walk her and head for my class, even if I am 5 minutes early. Walking in the classroom I make my way to the back and choose the desk in the corner away from everyone. Checking my phone I see I got a text from Gavin earlier but my phone on vibrate I didnt know he  answered back.
Hazel-Good morning angel, good luck today as well. Don't let her get you down ok. If anything happens let Rhys know please baby
Me-ok baby i will, shes already greeted me today but nothing i cant handle so far. I love you hazel
Hazel-I love you angel

The warning bell rang and kids started making their way into the room choosing their seats for the year. As I'm watching everyone sit I didnt notice the seat next to me get filled, I look over and see the blonde headed cousin of my boyfriend "Hey" he whispers to me "Hey" I whisper back with a smile. He slings his arm around my shoulder and smiles brightly at me, "Let me know if anything happens with her, do you hear me?" He says seriously. I give him a nod and turn back to the front of the classroom where a couple of on lookers glance our way. Looking back at him he just shrugs like its no big deal he's talking to me. Morning classes go by in a blur and before I know it its lunchtime. As I make my way to the cafeteria I see my friends I usually eat with, Erica and Crystal are at the table and wave me over when I catch their eye. I already know I'm in for a line of questions already about my summer and I'm pretty sure word already got out about Rhys in first period. Sitting across from them they share a look before Erica starts with her questions "So, we heard you were cozy with a certain popular guy this morning, care to explain that?" I shrug my head shoulders as a smile makes its way onto my face thinking about Gavin, they see my smile and start squealing most likely getting the wrong impression. "Its not what you think. I'm not with him but I am with his cousin, Gavin." I tell them as I pull my phone out and show them a picture of me and Gavin. "Omg your with him?" Crystal asks me. I nod my head a little to excitedly and I see them give each other a look that has me a little on edge, "What's with the look?" I ask them looking between both of them when Crystal releases a breath before she gives me a sympathetic look "Amy was talking about how she was with a Gavin over the summer and some skank is trying to taker him from her. She said she's gonna make that skank pay for trying to take him from her." I'm in a state of shock for a couple reasons first Gavin told me he hasn't been with her since last year, and two why would she go to extreme if they were nothing than fuck buddies according to Gavin. Has he been lying to me? Or is Amy delusional thinking there was more when there wasn't?

I send a message to Gavin as I walk out of the cafeteria asking him if he's busy, maybe he's at lunch also. He reply's instantly hes not busy and I FaceTime him, I need to see his face when I ask him my questions. He answers after the first ring with a big smile on his face and I want to return it but I need answers first. "Hey baby, hows your day going?" He asks me with eagerness "well, it was god before lunch actually. I have some questions and I know you've done said some of it already but I just need to hear it, ok?" "Ok shoot." I sit in the hallway down from the cafeteria and let out a breathe as I start my interrogation.

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