Chapter 19

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What the hell was Amy doing? I've never wanted to slap a female more than when she started talking about my angel that way, what gives her the right to treat her like that? As I make my way to my aunts house my mind is running mad thinking about what happened this morning at the cafe. Is this the way she's always treated around Amy? Feeling my anger rise again I pull into their driveway and I head straight to the gym in the basement, I need to let off steam and punching a bag picturing her face will do nicely right now. After a few good rounds my anger has dispersed so I head inside to look for Rhys, finding him in the kitchen with his head in the fridge, he hands me a cold bottle of water as I remove my sweat soaked shirt and throw it in the laundry room beside the kitchen. "Man what the hell is wrong with Amy? Does she always treat her that way?" I ask him. "Yeah, man at school she's a bully, always trying to get at her one way or another. But today was low even for her" "What, so you know she's being bullied and you don't try to stop it?" I ask him my anger rising again thinking of my cousin not helping her out, clenching and unclenching my fist trying to keep myself from swinging at him, he raises his hands in a surrender pose. "Woah man, I do try. I try to keep Amy entertained and away from her, I don't know what her deal is with Bryn, she's always bullied her from the first day she came here back in elementary school" "So, your telling me that my girl has been bullied her whole life by Amy and no ones done anything about it?" I ask my voice raising as my anger builds again. "Look all I know is Amy has this grudge against her and Bryn just takes it. I'm not sure why she hasn't came forward before about it but I do try to help , ok? Especially now that she's with you, my efforts will become more known to Bryn" Releasing a deep breath I nod my head at him, "Thanks man, I'm sorry. I just want her to be safe when I'm not around, she's so innocent" "I know man, I'll do my best."

After a hot shower rinsing the stress of this morning and sweat from my workout away. I head into the living room to find Rhys typing away on his phone. "Oh, hey man I got us a couple of flyers we can look over for housing for next fall. I got them when I went on that college tour last week" he looks up from his phone and a smirk plays at his lips "You looking to get a place with Bryn and leaning me out or we still up for rooming?" I was gonna ask her if she wants to live with us next year but not anytime soon though, I don't want to rush this relationship anymore than we already have. "As of now its just you and me, later on would you object if I asked you to move in with us though?" "Nah, I'm ok with that. Who knows maybe we can double bunk you'd be with Bryn and I'd be with Chloe" Hearing that my eyebrows shoot up so fast he just laughs hard at my expression as he walks into the kitchen. I totally forgot Bryn was gonna grill him about their relationship before Amy showed up so I figured I'd help her out and interrogate him. "So, you and Chloe huh? You like her?" "Yeah, man I feel something for her and not just sexual, which let me tell you she's wild. But she's caring, especially for Bryn, and she's smart and she's got a great sense of humor, loves to party like me. I don't know I really like her. She's not going to A&M but she will be close at Blinn College in Bryan, so she can room with us if she wants" he says with a shrug. I can't believe it the bigger player than I was, my cousin, has found a girl he likes and wants to stick with. I think I'm in shock. "Wow, man that's great! I know the girls would love that, hopefully it works out. I think I'm gonna marry this girl, she's makes me feel things I've never felt I'm so happy with her. I almost lost her today with that Amy fiasco and I don't like that feeling of knowing she wouldn't be in my life anymore" "What do you mean you almost lost her? It wasn't that bad?" Scratching the back of my neck I told him what I told Bryn, "wow, you told her about you and Amy? How did she take it?" With a heavy sigh I sat on the barstool and told him what happened. "Man, I'm sorry man. But I'm glad she's sticking with you, I know your love her. I could see it even when you first met her that she was gonna be different." Nodding my head I tell him I'm gonna go get the flyers out of my truck so we can start looking.

After about 2 hours of looking over the houses or apartments that will be available next fall, we chose a 2 bedroom on the outskirts of town close enough to the college but far enough out of town where we wouldn't have many neighbors. We called and lined up a date to go put a deposit down on the house so when it becomes available we will receive notice to be able to move in next summer. I'm thinking of asking Bryn if she'd join us on the trip, I'd have my girl with me and Rhys can set up to see Chloe as well when we go. "So, I remember you telling Bryn something about a date next Friday, what are you thinking about this time?" Knowing hes asking just to see if I'll need his help again, I let out a laugh while shaking my head at him. "I'm good man. I wont be needing your services this time, but I would like to thank you for your help. It turned out great. So thanks again" "No problem, anything for family. But I really wanna know what you have planned, I want to take Chloe out but I know I have to plan ahead with her since she's not close" "Well, next Friday there's gonna be a back to school carnival in town, I was thinking of taking her there. Maybe show off my skills and win her a teddy bear" I say as I flex my muscles at him. "Hey, that's not a bad idea I could see if Chloe wants to go too and we could double date" thinking it over in my head, that does sound good we both get time with our girls and they get time with each other "Alright, yeah sounds good. Call Chloe and ask then let me know but if she agrees tell her not to say anything to Bryn, I want it to be a surprise." Pulling out his phone, I tell him I'm gonna get ready to head to Bryn's for dinner. Hoping tonight goes well and I don't end up a dead man.

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