Chapter 57

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My mind is in overdrive from what I just saw. We made a baby, there's a baby growing in the woman I love. Today we will tell everyone again our news over dinner. Seem that's gonna be our thing now, tell the family any news over dinner as a way to soften the blow. I'm on my way to pick up Bryn before but I need to make a quick stop at Aunt Cora's to talk to her about everything, she wasn't able to meet us last time for the news of our engagement. As I pull into the driveway I see her car in the garage, good she's here. I go to knock on the door but it swings open as I lift my hand. Startled I jump back a bit as i see her rush out, "Hey aunt Cora, you leaving?" I ask as she stops when she sees me standing at her door. "Hey Gavin, what are you doing here?" She sounds winded like she's been running around this morning. "I came to talk to you about my engagement, I'm sorry you had to hear from mom. But I do want to tell you something no one knows yet before tonight." "Oh, honey it's ok. I'm sorry I wasn't able to make it, work has me doing this project but I'm almost done. Maybe another week or so." She takes my hand to sit on the porch swing as we talk. "Ok, so what's your new news? Wait, congrats on your engagement first, I really like Bryn and I see she's good for you," smiling at my reddened cheeks. "Thank you aunt Cora, that means a lot. Ok so umm, we just found out that we're 8 weeks pregnant." I close my eyes tightly as I wait for her reaction, she's like my second mom and I want her to be proud of me. "Wow, that's some news. Are you happy?" My eyes shoot open at her question. I look at her and a bright smile makes its way onto my face "I'm more than happy. I'm gonna be a dad and get to marry the love of my life. I've never been happier" I tell her honestly. "Well then that's all that matters. I'm proud of the man you've become." "Thank you" I say as i pull her into a tight hug. "Ok, so I'll see you tonight at The Boat?" I ask her as I stand up and make my way to my truck walking backwards waiting for her reply. Laughing she nods her head, "Yes my gang will be there to celebrate your new addition."

Bryn is waiting on her porch when I pull into her drive. She smiles in my direction as I put my truck in park shes's already at the door. Someone's excited to see me. "Hey baby!" She yells as she climbs into the truck and makes her way across the console to my lap. I instantly wrap my arms around her and pull her into a hot kiss that make us lose our breathe. As we pull away my hand slides over her tummy soothingly, "hey peanut, daddy loves you too" I whisper to our baby. I hear a sniffle, looking up I see her crying. I slide my other hand to her cheek and caress it, "Hey, what's the matter angel?" Shaking her head, she smiles at me lovingly. "It's nothing, I'm just so happy. I love you so much." "I love you too." As she slides back into her seat my hand makes it's way to her thigh and she interlocks our fingers as we head to the restaurant to reveal our biggest news yet. On  the ride over we talk about the wedding and graduation. Izzy has been to the house a couple times this week to 'get a visual' as she says as she was waving her arms around the yard, setting up things in her mind. She says next month a man will be out to start the build to the gazebo. I told her to make sure it will be stable enough to move after our wedding to our place in College Station. Now that we will have a baby there too it will be great for her to have, to be able to sit outside with the baby and enjoy the fresh air. As we pull into the parking lot I see my mom and dad talking and it's weird but a good weird. Fro the longest time before they were divorced they fought over everything, now that they're separated they get along. At first of course I was mad at my dad for breaking up our family but seeing them being civil it really is a good thing they separated. I mean we did have good times as a family but them now laughing together I see that it was for the best.

Everyone is here mom, Lee, dad, Lacy, Mr. Davis, Cutter, Aunt Cora, Uncle Lucian and Rhys. We made copies of the ultrasound for everyone to have one in the cards we got them. So as dinner nears it's end Bryn and I share a look letting each other know it's time for the reveal. Taking a deep breath I stand and take the envelopes out of my pocket, I make my way around the table and hand them out to everyone. "Ok, so don't open them until we say." Sitting back down I take her hand in mine and give it a squeeze. "Everyone can open their cards now" I say. As they open their cards we see faces of shock all around the table. First to speak is my mom "Is this real?" I nod. "We're about 8 weeks now," I tell the table. As they look at the picture of our little peanut smiles makes it's way onto some of the faces. Some are still in shock, which is expected. What I didn't except was her dad's next words but I'm guessing she did, this was her fear. "So is this why your marrying her? Because you knocked up my daughter?" He asks me. "Dad!" She yells at him, I don't want her to be mad at her dad vice versa. "No sir, we just found out. I asked her to marry me in New York before we ever knew. I love her. I've loved her since the first moment I saw her, I see myself with her for the rest of my life." "Good." I'm sure my face is of pure shock, huh? "I'm sorry?" I ask him with confusion. "I'm sorry Gavin, I needed to know your not just marrying her because she's pregnant. I needed to know your in it for the right reason not because you think you need to but that you want to be with her." Wow, I never thought of it like that. I see his reasoning and I hope one day I'm as good a dad as he is. "I understand sir, and trust me I'm in it for life." I say as I press my lips to hers. I need her to know that I mean what I say, as she presses her lips back unto mine I know she feels the same way. "Ok, so if your eight weeks now when does that make you due, sometime in August?" Lee asks. "Actually I'm due in the middle of July. A couple months before school starts." She says as she looks at her dad, "I know what your thinking, but since I did my clinical already I can start late in the semester or wait til next year and still graduate with Gavin. The clinical is supposed to be during my last year but since I already did mine I basically have a free half a semester. So I was thinking I could stay at home with the baby and then during the next half of the semester I could start. How does that sound?" She asks me or her dad not sure she keeps looking back and forth. Maybe she wants both our opinions, but either way I know as long as we're together we can get through anything. So if she wants to start durning the second half I don't mind. "Honestly, I don't mind as long as it's what you want to do and I'll be there every step of the way" I tell her. Her dad nods in agreement, "Same baby girl. As long as your happy I'm ok with what you decide" he says. Our parents sat around talking about the baby and our wedding. As Bryn and I sit back and watch them interact we smile at each other, our life is coming together and it feels great.

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