Chapter 28

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Walking into the hospital I put on my badge as I enter the elevator up to the 4th floor, pediatric ward. Walking into the doctors office I see Dr. Sawyer, the doctor I will be shadowing this evening. I will be on the pediatric ward for a month then rotate through the other wards every month until next spring. I wave as Dr. Sawyer sees me, she's about 5'6 curly black hair that stops at her shoulders, I can see the pencil skirt she wears with her bight red top underneath her white coat that covered in cartoon patches. She has a warm smile and kind eyes, her voice is soothing like a mothers would be and I cant help but get a little emotional as she comforts a small boy with a broken arm. Thinking of my mothers voice when I would get hurt, I didnt notice Dr. Sawyer try to hand me his file to go over, coming back to reality I shake my head and list off facts about the boys condition and what the follow up will be. My day goes by quickly with the children today, I actually love the pediatric ward. I think I found my calling with them, all though I have all the other wards to go through this one has a string pull as of now to what my further will look like.

After I leave the hospital with a smile on my face I want nothing more than to call Gavin and tell him about it. I call him but it goes straight to voicemail so I'm guessing he's still at work seeing that its barley 8pm. I call my dad to see if they've eaten dinner yet, of course they havent so I tell him I will order a pizza on my way home. Walking into the house my dad and brother are sitting on the couch watching you guessed it, football. Seeing me with food the game is forgotten and they both snatch a box out of my hands and rush to the kitchen. Laughing at them I make my way into the kitchen to see them sitting at the table already scarfing down their food as fast as they could to get back to the game. Shaking my head I grab a plate to get myself some pizza before its gone. Grabbing two pieces I sit beside Cutter as he gives me a sheepish smile, " Hey, sis how was your first day?" "Good, I was with the kids today and I really like it. I might go for pediatrics in college" I tell him. He nods as dad gives me a loving smile, he knows how much I love kids. "Your mother would be so proud of you sweetheart" turning away so he doesnt see the tear that make its way down my face I just shyly say " Thank you daddy." After dinner they both head back into the living room to finish the game while I head up to my room to shower and get ready for bed, hopefully Gavin will call me back.

Lying in my bed feeling myself dozing off my phone starts to ring, Gavins name flashing on the screen. A smile makes its way unto my face as I answer it.
Me-Hey Gavin, how was your first day?
Hazel-Hey baby, it wasn't too bad. My father gave me a tour around the office, showed me my new office which is boring, I might need you to come out some of your touches on it for me
I laugh at that knowing it probably is big and bare.
Me-Of course I will. Oh, I think I know what field I want to go into in the future.
Hazel-oh yeah, tell me baby, how was your day?
Me-it was great, I was in the pediatric ward and I absolutely loved it.
Hazel-That's great baby! I knew you would like it. I can't wait to have children with you, I know you'll be a great mom.
I blush at his words even though he cant see me. God I want that too. I want so many kids with him.
Me- Me too, I know you'll be a great daddy too. How was it with your father today?
I ask him nervously, I know how he feels about him.
Hazel-ugh.. it went ok, I guess. It wasn't as horrible as it could've been. Umm..hey baby how would you feel having dinner with me..and my father this Friday?
Wow that's unexpected that's for sure. I don't really know how to feel about that but if he's ok with it then so am I.
Me-I'm ok with it if you are. Just remember out date Saturday night handsome.
He lets out a chuckle at my words.
Hazel-Of course angel, wouldn't dare forget my date with you. But I don't want to pressure you into meeting my father, I'm ok with it though as long as you'll be there too.
Me-always. I love you Hazel I will talk to you tomorrow ok?
Hazel-ok angel good night I love you too.
After we hung up I closed my eyes and drifted into dreamland.

Waking up I decided to dress up a bit today knowing nothing Amy does will bring me down, I chose a black and blue plaid dress that stops right at mid thigh of course with my chest size I have to put on a white undershirt, pairing a pair of black wedges with it I take a look into the mirror and smile. I feel happy today, I feel loved and I feel confident in my skin. I take a little more time on my hair as I braid it into a Dutch braid down my back and put a little more effort into my makeup going with a blue eyeshadow instead of my normal nude color. Feeling good with my outcome I make my way down the hall towards the kitchen, I pass Cutter in the bathroom applying aftershave to his face. I smile at my little brother, he's growing up into a fine young man, I'm proud in my partake in helping him become a great man. He looks over at me and catches me staring at him I quickly divert my eyes and head towards the kitchen to make breakfast. He comes in a few minutes after I've put the bagels in the toaster, "Good morning, sis what were you staring at?" Shaking my head with a smile I wrap him in a hug and he wraps his arms around me and tightens it. "Nothing just admiring the young man your becoming, I'm proud of you C!" He releases me and gives me a peck on my cheek and says a quiet thank you. "Hey, can you give me a ride today?" He asks me "Of course, anytime" I tell him with a small smile.

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