My Initiate

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After practicing shooting for hours on end, I made my way to the dining hall for dinner. My arms ached to such an extent that I momentarily thought they might fall off, but I wore a smile as I approached my table of friends, tray of food in hand.

As I neared them, they all stood up, "Oh my god!" Ames yelled pulling me into a hug, "I thought I'd never see you again!"

I laughed then sat down, "Well it's not that easy to get rid of me," I winked.

Caterina stole one of the grapes off my plate then rushed me with questions, "So dish," she began, "Did he kick your ass, try to shoot you, hang you over the chasm? Sasha and Rocco just told me that he did that a few times last year to initiates?"

I shook my head, "No, none of that. He made me shoot until I could hit the center of the target twenty times in a row," I pouted, "Thats what took me so long, I sucked at it."

Sasha and Rocco had looks of confusion on their faces. "What?" I asked my mouth full of food. Rocco shook his head, "So you're saying that his punishment for you was helping you to become a better shooter?"

I shrugged my shoulders, "I don't think he intended it to be that way, but yea I guess."

"Damn," Sasha said, "He must be running low on creativity this time around."

After I had finished stuffing my face, Kostas introduced the idea that we all go to get tattoos. I wasn't sure how I felt about it, because I'm an extremely indecisive person. I would need at least a week to think over an idea for some ink before it was permanently tattooed on my body.

Still, I didn't want to be left out so I followed the rest of the group to the tattoo parlor.

Once inside, Sasha and Rocco introduced us to a tattoo artist named Beast. Beast was a fitting name for the hulking man, but he smiled cheerfully as we were introduced.

"You all getting tattoos today?" he asked, his sharp teeth glistening. I wondered if he'd had them shaved that way, or if they were naturally pointed.

"Uh, I'm sitting this one out," I told him.

"Oh C'mon, you scared of a little needle? It's not as bad as it looks," Beast said smiling.

I shook my head, and giggled, "Nah, I'm good for now, I'll be back though."

Beast put up his hands surrendering, "alright, alright," he laughed.

I didn't know what it was about Beast, but he insanely charming. I noticed that one of the tattoos he had was a circle on his neck that had half the Dauntless symbol, and half of the Erudite one. I took this to mean he was once upon a time an Erudite transfer. I'd never heard of someone showing off the fact that they were not in their faction of origin, but it makes sense. There is quite a bit nobility in being Erudite.

I sat in silence watching closely as my friends got tattooed. I'd never really had much exposure to tattoos back in amity, but they fascinated me.

After a while I got restless and stood up, deciding to wander around the tattoo shop. I traced my fingers along the wall, watching as other dauntless members got intricate details tattooed on their skins.

I was deep in thought about possible design ideas for myself when I felt someone tap my shoulder. I whipped around, my guard instantly up as I stood in the unfamiliar environment.

"Whoa, didn't mean to spook you," Four said frowning.

"Oh no, I'm sorry, I guess I'm just a little on edge, I'm still getting used to this place." I smiled.

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