Past Tense

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Zac took my hand and led me through the crowd of dancing people towards the exit. I could feel Eric watching us, but I tried to ignore the feeling as best as I could.

I knew that I was acting rash, stupid even, but I was desperate for a distraction. 

And at that point, I was so desperate that I didn't even care if the distraction was in the form of someone who once upon a time tried to drug me.

The walk to Zac's room was darker and scarier than any other walk I'd ever been on in dauntless. He held on limply to my hand as if to say that he could care less whether or not I was there.

When we got to his door, is when the gravity of the situation hit me. I took a look down the halls as he fiddled with his keys and saw that there was no one else around, no witnesses, no anyone. It was just a bad situation all over, that became very apparent to me in that moment, still, I stayed.

Zac seemed to be a little out of it, because it took him a while to open the door, but once he did, he put his hand on my lower back and gave me a push inside. He slammed the door behind us and then locked it, the clicking sound harsh enough to send chills down my spine.

"Finally alone," he chuckled, brushing past me to his kitchen.

I nodded slowly and just stood by the door, watching him. 

"It's Alana, right?" He asked, taking two glasses from the cupboard.

I sighed and walked over to sit at the kitchen island. "Yeah, it's Alana."

"Do you want a drink?"

"No," I answered quickly. At least I was taking some sort of safety precaution.

Zac nodded but looked a little disappointed. I didn't spend too long investigating why.

He talked for a little bit about how much he hated his job and then we moved to his couch to watch a movie.

I sat next to him and it was mere seconds before I felt his cold palm on my leg, then his fingertips on my inner thigh. It felt invasive and disgusting and nothing like how it ever felt when Eric touched me.

I had to stop comparing them though. Eric didn't want me, Eric didn't care about me.

"Let's go to my bedroom," Zac suggested.

I took a deep breath before following him once again as he led the way. My stomach was doing flips and my hands felt like they were trembling. It took my mind off of Eric though, and that was enough to make me keep following him.

Once in his bedroom, Zac pinned me against the wall, and almost instantaneously his lips were latched on to my neck.

His hands dominated my hips and pressed them firmly against the wall. It was extremely uncomfortable, so I took a step off the wall and allowed myself to be led by him to the bed.

I got on slowly after Zac and was surprised how he could even sleep on something so uncomfortable. Once again, nothing like Eric's.

As I tried to get halfway comfortable, Zac grabbed my face in his hands roughly and kissed me hard. His mouth tasted like poison and steel, kind of like how I would imagine anguish to taste.

He hovered over me on the bed and broke the kiss, his alcoholic breaths seeming to linger in the air between us.

Slowly, his hand moved to the hem of my dress, and then lifted it off and over my head. It felt like my skin was being bitten by the bare air, and Zac paid no attention. He quickly took off his own clothes and then shoved my shoulders back so that I was lying down in the bed.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 27, 2015 ⏰

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