It Feels Good

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Eric watched closely, as different men walked up to the table at which Alana and Caterina were sitting at.

It was clear to him that they were all hitting on her and it made him furious. Watching each guy approach her, made him ball his fists tighter - the veins and tendons in his wrists becoming more prominent.

He had seen so many guys go up to her, that he noticed a cycle.

First, men would watch her from across the room, wondering about the beautiful girl they had never seen in dauntless before. Then they would talk amongst their friends and point at her, gawking and sizing her up with their eyes.
After one of them would work up enough courage, they would go up to her with hopes of taking her back to their rooms.

As if Eric would ever let that happen.

Part of the problem may have been his fault though. The dress she was wearing fit well, too well and he instantly regretted telling her to get it.

He wanted to see her in the minimal amount of clothing, but he didn't like that other people were also sharing this privilege.

All of a sudden, Caterina got up and left with some Candor transfer. Eric kept his eyes on Alana and watched as she too stood up, then made her way to the bar.

He chuckled as he watched her trying to weave her way through the crowd. She was so small in comparison to everyone else and the dancing people around her didn't make her journey any easier.

Once Alana finally reached her destination, Eric saw Zac, a young man who he had initiation with, buying her a drink.

Eric knew how Zac was. He was an experienced womanizer who used cliché pick up lines to get girls. The majority of the time, he was successful, but Eric knew he wouldn't be with Alana.

He didn't have much faith in her judgment (he thought she was far too innocent for her own good), but he knew Alana wasn't the type of girl to leave with some guy she didn't know.

Still, just seeing her near Zac made him angry. The fact that she was talking to him is what set him over the edge.

Alana might not have known it at the time, but she was Eric's.

Eric started to walk over to Alana, to take her away from Zac, when he was stopped by a girl named Blair (Eric never bothered to learn her name though).

He had been her trainer during initiation and she spent so long trying to get him to notice her. So when Blair saw Eric alone at the club, she took this opportunity to make a move.


"Not now initiate."

Blair grabbed his arm to stop him. "You do know that I'm not an initiate anymore right?" She asked seductively, trailing her fingers up his arm and stepping closer to him, "all thanks to you."

Eric stayed silent and watched her as she wrapped her arms around him. She began planting kisses to his neck, trying to reach his mouth, but the height difference made it too difficult.

Eric shook his head and tried to pay no attention, watching as Alana was served a drink. She looked uncomfortable and Eric felt bad for her.

Just as he was about to begin walking again towards Alana, Blair made a last ditch effort to kiss Eric's lips and unfortunately succeeded.

He gave in and continued to kiss her back, placing his hands on the back of her thighs as she pressed into him tightly. She began running her hands over his chest, and Eric pulled her closer to him, his hands now moving to her back and slipping under the black crop top she wore.

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