You'll Find Out Soon Enough

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Once Eric had taken his seat among the rest of the leaders, I noticed that many of the dauntless members seated at the other tables were staring at me and whispering among themselves. My new friends seemed to notice this as well, "don't pay attention to them," Sasha said rolling her eyes, "dauntless just love a good outburst." I chuckled and turned back to my food even though I had lost my appetite. What if I had made a mistake? I mean according to people's reaction I had. Not only was he one of my leaders now, but he was also my trainer during initiation. He had the ability to make my life a living hell, and I had the feeling he was going to take advantage of that.

"I feel sick," i murmured dropping my hands to my lap. "Well, Eric does have that effect on people," Kostas said. I looked at Caterina and Ames and they gave me sympathetic looks.

After the initiates had been given a motivating speech, we made our way back to the dorms. Caterina, Ames and I sat on our cots, predicting what we would face the following day in training. "My mom told me that this year, they cut the weakest initiates and make them factionless," Ames said. My heart sunk. I knew that due to my previous faction, I was already considered the weakest one here. "What?!" Caterina spat, "Why didn't we know about this?!" Ames shook his head, "I don't know." I furrowed my brow with worry, Ames took notice of this and put his arm around me pulling me into a hug, "hey don't worry about it," he said, " you're gonna be fine." I hugged him tighter before Caterina sprang on to us and joined our hug. We all sat there in our group hug chuckling before we broke apart to lay on our separate metal framed cots. I smiled as I drifted in to sleep, I already loved these people.
The next morning, I was awoken by a loud clanking of metal. I opened my eyes to see a smirking Eric, bashing a metal rod against my bed frame. I also took notice of the fact that no one else was receiving this "special" treatment, as four was hitting a metal rod against a beam that stretched near the front of the dorm entry. No, it was just I that was being tormented. I groaned and put my pillow over my head before curling up tighter in my blankets, I was in no mood.
"Not so fast sleeping beauty," Eric smirked before yanking my blanket off of me. I stared at him in shock, instantly regretting my decision to sleep in just underwear and a tight crop top. It wasn't my fault though, it felt like a million degrees in the dorms. I was so used to sleeping with a cool breeze drifting through my windows in Amity, and wearing minimal clothes was the only way to achieve comfort last night. Eric's eyes began slowly examining every inch of my body, leaving me feeling paralyzed. He slowly bit his lip, before the same three boys as yesterday, Bates, Crow, and Dimitri, began shouting sexual things at me that I tried to not pick up. I instantly felt my face getting hot and turning red. I was beyond thankful when Ames tossed one of his T-shirts to me. I quickly slipped it on, then made my way towards the showers, roughly brushing shoulders with Eric as I did.

I stood in the shower, my face still hot from the embarrassment I had just faced. I felt like crying. After what was only like three minutes, I heard Caterina shout to me, "Alana come on we have 7 minutes to get to breakfast!" I sighed deeply and stepped out of the shower. I was relieved to find that most of the initiates had left to the mess hall to eat, leaving behind only Caterina, Lucy and I. I got dressed in dark gray training pants, and a black short sleeve shirt, while Caterina was bickering with Lucy. I chuckled at their behavior then pulled Caterina's arm towards breakfast.

In the hall, we sat with the same people as we did the previous night. I noticed that the Erudite transfer Angus sat at a table alone, while Marilyn and Lucy teamed up, and Bates, Crow, and Dimitri remained huddled in their tight knit group. Part of me wanted to invite Angus to sit with us. From the outside he looked terrifying, but I've found that when people keep to themselves, they usually just need someone to reach out. However, I temporarily ignored this feeling and turned back to my friends. "It's official," I said sitting down, "I hate Eric." Sasha and Rocco chuckled at me, "hey it could be worse," Sasha said. Rocco shook his head, "No Sash, it couldn't, she's in pretty deep. I mean look at him, if looks could kill Alana would be slaughtered." We all turned around to where Rocco was looking to find Eric glaring intensely at me. His look made me shiver. I whimpered slightly before turning away and closing my eyes. Kostas reached over the table and patted my head, "Hey cheer up little one, there's still Four who's training you too, he's a good guy, I'm sure he won't let anything too bad happen to you." I looked over at the mysterious trainer who sat alone taking large bites of dauntless cake. I hope so I thought.

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