Don't Play Dumb

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The next morning, I woke up to a cold breeze, and saw Eric standing in front of my bed with my blanket in his hand.

I mentally cursed myself for wearing such little clothes again, but it's not like I had expected Eric to be doing this often.

"Eric, seriously? Can't you just say my name to wake me up like a normal person?" I asked him, swinging my legs over the side of the bed so that I was sitting up.

"Why? Do you like it when I say your name Alana?" he smirked. The tone of his voice and the way he said my name made me shiver, but it wasn't in a bad way. What was going on?

"Because if you do, we can spend the night together and I'll say it as many times as you want."

Eric squatted down in front of me and rested his arms on my thighs. We were eye level, and he stared intensely at me, but I didn't respond to him. After a few seconds I shook my head and stood up.

I knew that Eric was only acting this way to get a reaction. It was clear that I was uncomfortable whenever he touched, or even came near me, and Eric seemed to be thriving off of this.

"Fine. Besides I'd prefer the sound of you saying my name all night. I can arrange that too," Eric said as he reached his arm out and began tracing his fingers along my skin.

I felt myself blush, not needing to think very hard to know what he was implying. I tried to brush it off, and turned to walk away towards the showers. I felt Eric's eyes on me the whole way.

After being awoken by Eric, and taking a lengthy shower, I made my way to breakfast.

I sat finishing my food, anxious to know what the training would consist of, when MJ sat down across from me. I swear the girl lived in the dining hall.

"We missed you last night, where were you?" She asked, playing with strands of her black hair.

"Oh Caterina didn't tell you? I had to stay after and do some extra training with Eric."

She furrowed her brows, "Oh."

I continued playing with food on my plate, not really sure how to respond to an "oh".

"Early rise huh?" She asked frowning.

I narrowed my eyes before answering, "Yeah I guess."

"So uh, what are you up to so early?"

I sighed, "more training with Eric."

MJ looked at me worriedly. I thought she was friends with him. Did she not like the idea of me being around him? She didn't seem to be against the idea when we played candor or dauntless...

"Well I should probably go now," I told her standing up.

"Alright well just ya know be careful.... and what not."

I chuckled, and patted the top of her head, "I will."

In the training room Eric stood with his back to me as I walked in. He must have heard my footsteps, because he turned around and smirked before grabbing both of my hands and sitting me down on a bench. He pulled out a roll of tape and began wrapping it around my knuckles carefully.

He was shockingly gentle, and I stared at him as he wound the white material around my hand. He wasn't smirking, or scowling, he wasn't the intimidating dauntless leader Eric, he was just Eric.

My eyes moved to the tattoos that ran down his neck, then to the maze like patterns that were on his arms. Both sets of tattoos were fascinating, and I couldn't picture Eric without them, but I still wondered how he would look with no black ink, or piercings.

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