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I woke up to whispers of steam seeping out from underneath the door that connected the bathroom to Eric's room. I heard the rush of water running and that along with his absence indicated to me that he was in the shower.

Glancing over at the clock that sat at his bedside, I saw that I had about an hour until I needed to be ready. That was a good amount of time, but I wanted to get back to the dorms before I went, so I would have to leave soon.

I stood up out of the bed, wincing as I felt the pain in between my legs again. The experience of last night wasn't completely enjoyable, but it brought me closer to Eric and for that reason I had absolutely no regrets. It was almost scary how fast I developed feelings for him, especially since I never had feelings like that for someone before.

Everything with Eric was completely new and exciting, just thinking about him made my heart race. I trusted him and I cared about him like I did no one else, despite of everything that happened.

After last night, he definitely knew me in a way that no one else had and in a weird way I felt like I knew a different side of him too.

Everything that people said about him being sadistic and unable of experiencing any emotions outside of anger proved to be wrong.

Last night, I felt safe with him, I felt like I was wanted by him as much as he was by me.

Eric awoke something in me that I felt like I would never be able to put to sleep, something that made me feel alive. And even though we were currently separated by only a wall, I missed him.

It was weird but in a good way, it seemed like everything between Eric and I was like that.

After putting on my clothes, I sat on the bed to put on my shoes. I had only tied one of them, when I heard the water shut off in the bathroom. I tied my other shoe and just as I stood up, Eric opened the door.

He stood in the door frame wearing only a pair of pants, his bare chest still noticeably damp from his shower.

I looked up at him, waiting for our eyes to meet, but he stared at the ground. The air in the room felt like it had suddenly grown thick, but from something other than the humidity from a hot shower.

When he finally looked up at me and met my stare, Eric had a pained expression on his face. He had dark circles under his eyes and brows that were stitched together, his face stuck in a scowl.

"You're still here," he said, making it sound like a violation.

I pulled down on one of my sleeves awkwardly, surprised that those were the first words he chose.

"Uh, yeah," I said quietly.

"You need to leave."

I stood astonished by the harshness in his voice. My heart felt like it dropped and was making circles around my body, not knowing where to go and not knowing where to stay because in that moment nothing made sense.

"Eric," I said softly, "is something wrong?"

Eric sighed and ran his hand through his wet hair. "I don't want you here."

I opened my mouth to speak but no sound came out. My throat had gone dry and an ache bloomed in my chest.

What was going on, he acted like he wanted me here last night. What changed since then? Did I do something wrong?

"I'm... confused," I finally said, "I-"

"There's nothing to be confused about," Eric said, cutting me off. "Its pretty simple. I got what I wanted from you so there's no point of you staying any longer."

I held on to the ends of my sleeves in my fists, biting my lip in an effort to bite back my tears. "I thought you said it was different with me."

Eric looked at me with eyes that were glazed over with a lack of emotion. In that moment he looked like a representation of every bad thing I'd ever heard about him and it broke my heart.

"You're so naïve," he scoffed, "I mean don't get me wrong I like that. It made getting in your pants a lot easier for me."

The tears that I was trying to bite back finally fell from my eyes in hot streams.

"Eric," I said, taking a step closer to him, "You told me that-"

He immediately took a step away from me and crossed his arms over his chest. "You were my amusement for the night, I said a lot of things I didn't mean."

"No," I whispered, "You wouldn't do that."

I didn't want to believe he would at least. I wanted to convince myself that this was all just a joke or some terrible dream that I would be snapped out from in due time. I needed this to all be a dream, I couldn't handle it being reality.

"I thought-"

"You thought what?" he asked, walking to his dresser and putting on a black shirt. "That you were special? That you meant something to me? That you were anything beyond a good fuck? You were wrong and that's your own fault," he shrugged.

I shook my head, a knot forming in my stomach. His words drove through me like a knife, the blade turning and twisting in me with each syllable.

It was as if huge stone walls were crashing down all around me, shaking the ground that I stood on, but all I could do was watch.

I watched as Eric walked to his closet and put on a jacket, the same one he gave me to wear the previous night, before walking out from his room towards the front of his apartment.

I followed behind him, feeling confused but eager to receive answers. "Why are you doing this?"

Eric turned to face me, his jaw tensed and his eyes once again glued to the floor. He looked like he was racking his brain for answers, but he seemed to already have his mind made up.

"This is what I do," Eric finally explained, acting like it was the most simple fact in the world. "Everyone warned you Alana, don't act like you you didn't know this was the end result."

I wiped my tears away with the sleeves of my shirt, trying desperately to breathe through my choking lungs.

A stinging feeling had taken over my entire body. Everything that he'd said to me, everything that I believed about him, that couldn't all be lies. No one could be that inhuman.

His cold demeanor and heartless ways were suppose to be a façade, a façade that I was supposed to have seen and broke though.

"No you- you told me that you wouldn't hurt me," I protested.

Eric sighed and walked to his front door, holding it open and signaling for me to leave.

"Alana, I don't care enough about you to want to go out of my way and hurt you," he said, "I'm not trying to hurt you. I just don't want you anymore, I got what I wanted, now I'm done. It's nothing personal."

More searing tears fell from my face uncontrollably, "Eric-"

"Leave. I don't want you here."

I took a step out of his room and turned to face him, millions of emotions coursing throughout my body. The sadness that I felt settled deep in my stomach, but the anger and frustration that I felt bubbled to the surface.

"I hate you," I whispered.

"I don't care."

Selcouth - (OCxEric) ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now