In Denial

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I looked up as the fights appeared on the board:

Bates vs. Crow
Angus vs. Shane
Ames vs. Cameron
Alana vs. Lucas
Caterina vs. Dimitri
Lucy vs. Marilyn

My fight was with Lucas. He was strong, but lacked consistency and planning when it came to his fighting.

I knew that it wouldn't be a breeze, but I had confidence in my ability to beat him.

The first fight was between Bates and Crow and they actually lasted quite a bit of time. The two boys were friends along with Dimitri and I noticed their attempts to have mercy on one another.

The loyalty that the three of them had was the only thing that I respected.

The next fight that was between Angus and Shane looked like something out of horror movie though. Shane was trying his best, but was no match for Angus, who resembled a rabid dog throwing around his chew toy.

I know it's bad, but the whole time I couldn't help but think of how thankful I was that it wasn't me.

After that, Ames' fight against Cameron took place. Ames won, but didn't hurt Cameron bad enough to where he would be out.

I'd figured that was a pretty nice strategy to preserve a healthy conscious.

Finally, it was time for my fight with Lucas. Surprisingly, I felt at ease, which was a nice contrast in to how I'd been feeling lately.

I was the first to step in the ring, and looked to Eric as Lucas walked up to me.

Eric nodded and smirked before turning his head to glare at my opponent.

I took a deep breath and looked at Lucas as we got into our stances.

Calm down Alana, you have this. You're ready for this.

Lucas was the first to throw a punch, which I dodged and threw back to him. I watched as he stumbled a bit before lunging at me. He crouched slowly before he leaped though which gave me enough time to swiftly move out of his way so he fell to the ground.

I took the opportunity of Lucas being down, to get on top of him and punch him twice before he overpowered me and flipped me over.

He sent a powerful blow to the side of my head, before I kneed him and pushed his body off of mine.

Once we both regained our balance, we began circling each other again. Lucas shot out his fist and it connected with my jaw, catching me off guard. My vision went blurry, and I stumbled a bit before he pushed me down and kicked my face lightly.

While Lucas' leg was still in the air, I yanked him down and got on top of him. I began punching him in the face, until I saw that he was knocked out and I heard clapping and cheering.

I slowly got off of the now unconscious boy, and sighed. I wasn't sure where I would be in the ranks, but I knew I wasn't going to be factionless. In that moment, I was more sure of myself than I have ever been, that I'd made the correct decision choosing dauntless.

One stage down, two to go.

After the fight, I limped over to where Ames stood. Even though my head hurt from getting punched and kicked, I couldn't hold back my smile.

Ames pulled me into a tight hug and whispered how proud he was. When he released me though, I noticed how drowsy I was feeling.

Ames leaned back from me a little and snapped his fingers in front of my face.

"Hey I think you need to go the infirmary," he said, putting his hands on my shoulders.

"Let her go," Eric said walking over to us, "I'll take her."

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