She's All Ready

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Once Caterina decided on a dress, we walked up to the register to buy our clothes. Caterina purchased hers first, but didn't have enough patience to wait for me to buy mine, so she left to go look at some jewelry.

As I laid the small black dress down on the counter, the Cashier Candace looked at me like she had a burning secret.

"You're Alana right?" She asked.

"Yeah," I smiled, "why?"

"Oh it's just, you don't need to pay for that."

I looked at her with confusion, "What do you mean?"

Candace took a glance around the store to see if anyone was close and leaned in, "Eric got it for you."

"Oh, Like he paid for it?"

"Yes," Candace chuckled, "it's weird right? Not like him at all, but I wouldn't fight it, that dress is pretty damn expensive."

Why would Eric do that?

"Ok, well thanks."

"Thank Eric, sweetie," she smiled.

I nodded my head, "Yeah I'll remember to do that."

I turned to walk away, dress in hand, when Candace stopped me.

"Hey!" she shouted.


"Come here, I'll help you get rid of your 'bruise'," she said, putting finger quotations around the word bruise.

I blushed, I had completely forgotten about that.

Candace took my hand and led me back into what seemed to be a small office or break area. She walked over to a tiny freezer, and pulled out a spoon, "Here, this should help," she said, "I have two younger sisters so I always have these around."

I took the spoon from her warily, "Thanks, what do I... do with it?

Candace chuckled and looked at me like she was shocked, "Oh you're serious! Aw sweetie you're so cute, just press the spoon on the spot and it'll get rid of the size and most of the color."

"Oh, ok," I said, taking the spoon from her, and pressing it to my neck.

This was such a weird situation.

After some time had passed, Candace took the spoon from me and handed me a mirror, "See? Barely noticeable. Now just leave your hair down and it'll look like a shadow."

I thanked her and swooped my hair to the front before leaving the the room to go find Caterina.

One we were both ready to go, we took the walk back to the dorms

Thank god for Candace because Caterina attempted to call me out again for the mark on my neck, but had little evidence to support her claim that I was sneaking around.

Luckily, I was able to quickly change the subject by bringing up our plans for the night.

"So we'll get ready at about five since Sasha wants us to meet her in her room at nine." Caterina explained.

I looked at her in shock, "What are we going to do for four hours?"

"Get ready of course!" She squealed.


At about five thirty, I was ready to go. I sat on MJ's couch, looking at my nails as I waited for her and Caterina to be ready.

MJ tried to attack with me with various makeup and hair products, but I was too quick and managed to escape her.

I did let her put loose waves in my hair and lend me heels, but I drew the line when she came toward me with an eyelash curler.

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