I Know That

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I woke up to an empty bed.

Although I was wrapped tightly in a blanket, there was still a distinct chill that flowed throughout the room. I shook off the blanket and looked down to see that I still wore Eric's shirt.

Where was Eric?

After standing up and searching for my clothes that Eric had tossed away the previous night, I noticed a small piece of paper lying on the bedside table. I assumed that it had recently been placed there, as I hadn't seen it last night.

It read:

Early meeting. Let yourself out.

I sighed and crumpled up the note before getting dressed quickly in my clothes and "letting myself out."

By the time I reached the dorms, only a few of the other initiates had woken up. Luckily, Caterina was still fast asleep, so I didn't have to face her while getting ready. I'd hoped to have the same luck in the dining hall, but that wasn't the case.

Caterina along with Sasha and Rocco all sat at a table with Kostas and Ames. They didn't glare at me, but they made their distaste for me obvious. That was okay. It hurt to have them against me but I wasn't a stranger to having no friends and I'd live. And besides I still had Beast and part of me wanted to believe that I had Eric too.

After breakfast, it was time to partake in yet another nightmarish day of facing fears. I had a bad feeling about going into the sim this time, but brushed it off before sitting down in the chair.

Four approached me quickly, syringe in hand. I closed my eyes as the needle pricked my skin, waiting for the serum to take effect.

When I opened my eyes, I was in the training room. The lights were all dimmed, except for a bright fluorescent bulb that hung over the main fighting ring. Bouncing around in the ring and shaking out his muscles, was a man that I'd never seen before. His face had a malicious smile plastered on it as he moved.

I walked to the ring slowly and jumped back as the man came near me. He laughed before he darted at me and knocked me to the ground. He lay on top of me before I kneed him off and flipped him over. I began furiously punching his face, overcome with a rage that I'd never experienced before. I eventually stopped, once I was sure that the man was absolutely defenseless if not dead. Horrified at what I'd done, I immediately got off of him and backed away. It seemed like blood was spilling from every inch of his face.

I tried to flee the training room, when I heard a blood curdling scream. I looked over to where the shriek came from and saw my mother standing by the ring along with my father. My heart instantly dropped. I hadn't even really thought about them since joining dauntless, but seeing them now brought a sickening feeling.

I rushed over to where they stood, but they clung to each other and put their hands out to stop me.

Were they scared of me?

"Stay away," my father whispered, his voice shaky.

I disobeyed him and attempted to take another step towards my parents.

My mother's face became covered in tears, as she continued to back away from me.

"Stay. Away." She ordered.

I shook my head, "What's wrong?"

I saw my father clench his fist, something that I'd never seen him do before.

"We don't know you, Alana," he said quietly.

I looked over to the presumably dead body lying on the mat.

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