Is That Understood?

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After passing The Vault and seeing what I had seen, I felt sick to my stomach. I wanted nothing more than to just go to bed and forget about the whole thing, but most importantly forget about the fact that my feelings were crushed without me understanding why.

Our redo of girls night consisted of eating pizza and watching movies which I felt like was exactly what I needed.

The movies that we watched were all raunchy comedies, and we're good mood lifters, although I still didn't understand just why my mood needed to be lifted.

Unfortunately, the entire night, I kept replaying the image of Eric making that girl moan in the club. She was so pretty, and blonde, she looked exactly like the type of girl Eric would go for.

It was obvious what they were going back to the room to do too. Sasha had said he did that often, which made me feel even more sick.

Why though?

Since I was disgusted and unexplainably hurt by Eric's actions, I made the conscious decision that I would not go to training with him in the morning. Technically I wasn't required to, so he should have no objection.

When girls night was over, Caterina and I both made the walk back to our dorms. As we passed The Vault, I kept my head down, not wanting to have the scene replay in my mind yet again.

"Hey, you alright?" Caterina asked sweetly.

I nodded my head and smiled, "Yeah, why?"

"I don't know, you seemed a little down tonight."

I shook my head, "I'm just nervous since the day after tomorrow is our final fight. I guess I'm just a little overwhelmed."

Caterina looked at me understandingly, then smiled hugely "Can you believe we're going to be Dauntless, well after the other stages of course, but still!" she squealed.

I felt a smile spread across my face. After winning my last fight against Bates, I had climbed significantly in the ranks, and had proven to myself for the most part that I was Dauntless. For the first time in my life I was in the faction that I truly belonged in, I wasn't going to let anything get me down.

The next morning I woke up early due to the fact that my internal clock had been set at six, since early training had become a habit.

I sat on my bed, facing the wall, as I attempted to massage my back. Since I joined dauntless, I've noticed that my muscles have been becoming increasingly tense. Probably from the amount of strain that has been placed on them, as well as the stress.

Unfortunately, I was having trouble, as the human body is not built to massage itself.

Suddenly, I felt a rough hand swat my hands away and begin working out the knots in my back. Applying pressure to all the right places, and rubbing my skin softly, It felt amazing.

"Mmmm," I hummed in satisfaction.

Suddenly the hands stopped moving. "Do that again," I heard a voice growl. Eric.

I tried to spin around to face him, but Eric gripped me tightly.

"Do what again?" I asked, genuinely confused.

I felt Eric move closer and brush his lips against my neck, then my ear, "Make that sound again. Now." he demanded.

My mouth widened in shock, was he being serious? After what he had done last night?

"Stop," I said moving away from his touch, and turning to face him.

"Fine, if you don't want me to massage you, there are other forms of stress relief you and I could try out, Alana," he said, his voice low and seductive.

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