Exactly Like That

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"Game's over!" Four shouted standing up abruptly, "Alana, Caterina and Ames, you three need to go back to your dorms, you have a hell of a day tomorrow in training. Kostas I suggest you do the same."

"Hey!" MJ shouted, whipping around to face Four, "let them stay, they deserve a night of fun."

"MJ, I know where your loyalty stands, but think what you're advocating for," he said, shooing us out the door, "or rather who."

I walked in shock back to the dorms along with Caterina and Ames. I've never felt more confused in my life. I had no idea what MJ was getting at, and although I've been known for letting my curiosity get the best of me, I had no desire to find out.

I put on my pajamas in silence as to not disturb the sleeping initiates, then got into my bed.
"So is no one going to talk about what just happened?" Caterina asked. Ames shook his head, "Yeah that was crazy, where the fuck did that come from?"

I closed my eyes and laid my head on my pillow, "I don't know maybe she was wasted."

The next morning, I woke up early and was able to take a long shower in peace, the events of the previous night swirling around in my head. Why would MJ ask that? Was she implying something? Thank god Four had come to my rescue. I had to mentally stop myself from asking more questions, making note of the fact that I didn't want the answers.

I sighed turning off the water in the shower before suddenly, hearing Eric and Four enter the dorms, loudly waking everyone up. I quickly slipped on my clothes, still in the shower stall, since there was a wall that served as a barrier between the dorms.

My plan was to remain in the stall until I knew Eric had left because the last thing I wanted was a confrontation with him. "Where's Amity?" Eric asked. I tensed and sunk back farther into the stall. "Is there a reason you're so worried Eric?" I heard Four say.

"Maybe she left and decided to become factionless, you know speeding up the inevitable," a voice said, either Lucy or Marilyn. The two were so alike, and practically joined at the hip, I could barely tell the difference.

When I heard people laugh at their comment and murmur words of agreement, I felt my face grow hot with anger. No more hiding.

I burst through the showering area in to the dorm to have all eyes on me. I sauntered over to my cot with my back straight and head high before sitting down to put on my shoes. Part of me wanted to go up to the two Candor and slap them in the face, but I managed to refrain myself.

When I glanced over to where Four and Eric stood I saw Four with a smile tugging at his lips, and Eric smirking at me, looking me up and down. I don't like that look, I thought.

"Breakfast. 10 minutes!" Eric yelled, before exiting.

Since I'd had a head start, I was the first to make it in to the dining hall. I grabbed an apple and sat down, but before I could even take a bite, MJ slid in to the seat across from me.

"Hey," she said with a worried look on her face.
I bit my apple hoping that she wasn't here to ask for an answer to her question last night, "Hey."

"So uh, about last night-"

"Nope, game's over, that ship has sailed."

"No," she chuckled, "look I just want to say I'm sorry, I was way out of line. Obviously that's none of my business."

I nodded my head in agreement, "its alright."

"It's just," she started, "it's just I got a little caught up, and I'm ex-candor if that tells you anything. Also I had a few drinks before you guys came over so I'm sure that added to it and-"

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