Beginning With The Project

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"Mom,dad!" I called them as I fixed myself and ran downstairs.
"Good Morning Julianna." Mom greeted me as she kissed my forehead. "Where are you going?" Dad asked as he noticed me wearing casual. I was wearing a sky-blue cardigan with white inner and jeans. My hair was tied up into a messy bun hair style. "Uhm, I'm going to school." I said as I looked at dad. "But today is Saturday!" Mom said. "I know but David and I are going to discuss about our Science project in the school library." I explained. "Just the two of you?" Dad asked as his eyes widen. "Yeah.." I said as I looked away. "Is this really a project or a date?" Dad said as his right eyebrow raised. "Daddy." I said as I hugged him. Dad giggled. "Alright, just have fun with the project." Dad said as he kissed my head. I nodded. "Take care sweety." Mom said. "Take care too guys" I winked at them and walked outside.

As I locked the gate of our house, I walked alone. I was trying to find a ride for you know, to commute. I don't feel like walking. As I was stepping on the road, black car just stopped in front of me. "What the hell, you almost killed me! Don't you know how to drive?!" I shouted at the unknown driver. The front window of the car opened and I saw that it was David who was driving the car. "Sorry Julianna." David said as he laughed. "You could have killed me you know!" I shouted. "Sorry, let's go to school together." David insisted. "You want me to ride with you?" I asked. He laughed. "Of course silly, do you wan me to leave my car here and walk with you?" David said as if he was joking. "Okay, it was stupid." I giggled. "Hop in." David said as he opened the other front door. I walked and went in his car. He drove.

"So, have you thought of something for our project?" David asked as he drove. "Yeah, I was thinking of us making our own blender. Only, with skeleton version." I said. "We could do that, to show people how the blender works from inside." David said. "Well, I'm thinking of making our own version of a blender skeleton." I said as I took papers in my bag. "These are the sketches I've done from last night and there are materials needed too." I said as I showed it to him. "Wow, you got it all prepared." David said as he was impressed. "Yeah, but you could still suggest if you have another idea. This wasn't hard to make anyway." I said as I smiled at him. "Well, I was thinking of robotics too which involves of using some chemicals." David said. "Huh?" I was confused. "Well, I'm thinking of a robot making a food coloring using appropriate color tester. I mean what I mean is we'll be using the materials also in making a food coloring." David explained. I nodded. Eventually, we reached the school.

David parked his car. We then walked by the school front garden then towards the library. "The school sure is quiet." I described. "Yes, of course it's weekend." David said. I nodded. We went in the library. There's some librarian in the counter. "Are you students of Eastern High?" a librarian asked. "Yes we are." I said. David and I took our IDs and gave it to the librarian. "We'll be using the library for our research for our Science project." David said. The librarian nodded and gave us passes. "This way." The librarian said as she guided us to the station where we should be sitting. The library is huge and cold. Lots of books are here, it's like heaven here! "Thank you miss." David said to the librarian, the librarian smiled and walked away. David and I sat down on the chairs and placed our plans (which is written on a paper) on our tables. "So, you were saying David." I started. "Yes, again a robot who'll make the food coloring." David smiled. "That'll do a lot of work." I said as I took his paper plans. He nodded. "I have an idea." I said as I took all the papers to me. "What?" David asked as he looked at me. "Well, we could combine our projects." I said as I smiled widely at him. "What do you mean?" David asked and looked confused. "Your idea involves food coloring right? Mine is blender. How about this, the robot makes the food coloring and then the made food coloring is placed by the robot in the skeleton blender to make the ice color." I explained. "Oh so you mean.." David said as I interrupted. "I mean that together, we'll make the robot, and the skeleton blender." I said. "That's a lot of work Julianna!" David said. The librarian looked at him and made a "Shhh" sign. "Sorry." David whispered. "We still have plan B." I said. David looked at me. "If we don't have enough time, then we'll make a robot the operates the skeleton blender." I said. "Marvelous idea Julianna!" David said as he quietly clapped his hands at me. "So, let's start searching about robots first." I said. He nodded. We stood up and took some books which are related to robotics. Eventually, we have like 20 books on our table. "Let's start reading." David said as he smiled. I nodded. Then, we started reading books.

Few hours passed. Time check: 4:30pm

I placed my head on the table. More like, I rest my head on my arms that are placed on the table. Yes, that's a good description. Its been hours since David and I are reading books. I only finished one book, the book has only 150 pages. I closed my eyes and rest. Eventually, I felt that someone's touching my hair. Is it David who's touching my hair? Wait, I felt that someone's touching my cheeks. David? Is that you? Who else would it be? I opened my eyes immediately took my head from the table as fast as I could and caught David touching my face. Well, our faces right now are near to each other, and like we almost kissed. I was shocked, I didn't saw that coming. I then looked away. "Oh, sorry Julianna. I didn't mean to.." David apologized. "That's okay silly." I slightly giggled. "You were cute you know." David said as he looked at me on the eye. I felt my cheeks turning red. "Julia, you're turning red." David said as he touched my cheek. "That's the first time you called my nickname." I said to him as I looked down. My heart pumped hard, I could barely heart the sound of my heart pumping hard. Why? "So, we'll borrow these books?" David asked. I nodded. "Alright, we better sign in to the counter in order to borrow this then I'll take you home. It's getting dark." David said as he stood up and took all the books. "It's okay, I can go home on my own." I said as I took 5 books from the books he was carrying. "What kind of a man I am if I'l let you go home alone?" David said as he raised an eyebrow at me. "Uhm.." I went speechless. "Come on Julianna." David said as he lead me the way to the counter. David placed all the books at the counter and signed something in the counter. "Sign here." David said as he gave me a pen. I took the paper and signed. "You're ready to go." The librarian said as she gave us a bag to put all the books in. David and I walked outside the library and went towards his car. By the time we reached his car, he put all the books at the back seat. I went in his car. He also did. He started the engine and drove off.

"You must be very tired from all the reading." David said as he glanced at me. "Yeah, I only finished one book which contains 150 pages." I said. "We'll be studying these babies for days!" David said as he referred to the books. "Yeah." I agreed. "Every after class, we'll go to the library. Is that okay?" David asked. "Sure, but I'll tell my parents first." I said. "Yeah, you should. So that they won't freak out like last time." David said as he giggled. I giggled too. "I know right?" I said as I smiled at the road. Eventually, we reached the house.

I took the 9 books. We divided the 20 by 2 so that it would be fair for us to read the number of books. Since I finished the first book, then there are 9 more to go. Golly, I did Math! "Let me help you with that." David insisted. "I can do it." I said as I tried to walk away. "That's heavy, give me the others." David said as he took five books from me. I couldn't argue. "K." I said. We walked towards the door of the house. I opened the door. "Mom, dad, David is here!" I shouted. Mom and dad then walked towards us. "Good Evening, Mr. and Mrs. Greyhams." David greeted. "Good Evening David." Mom and dad responded. "We'll go to my bedroom to put these books okay?" I asked permission from them. They might think that David and I are... never mind, I don't want to think of it. "Okay, make it quick. Don't stay long." Dad said as he glanced at David. David smiled. I leaded David upstairs and into my room. Eventually we reached my room. We placed the books on my study table which is located by the bed. "Your room is wide." David described. "Thanks." I looked at him. "We better go down, dad might you know.." I said to him. David giggled. "I know." David laughed. We then walked downstairs.

"Guys, I better go home. Mom needs my help right now." David said to us. "Take care honey." Mom said. "Thank you Mrs. Greyhams." David smiled. He then went outside. "David is a great man, don't you think dear?" Mom asked dad. "Yes, I approve him to be your boyfriend." Dad said. "Mom, dad stop it!" I said as my cheeks turned red. Mom and Dad laughed. "Let's eat dinner now." Mom said as she guides us all to the dinning room.

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