Building Together

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"Alright, we are finished reading all the books." David said as he closed the last book. "Indeed. Glad the reading session is now over." I said. "So, we must get started." David said as he arranges the books we borrowed on the table. We're at the library. Today is Saturday, a weekend to enjoy. But sadly, we have a project to finish so today is going to be about Science, Science, Science. "We should start building the robot." David said. "We don't have the materials yet." I glanced at him. "We'll buy all the materials today." David said. "Okay?" I was confused. "We'll work on our project the whole day. We should not waste our time." David said as he puts the last book on the top. "You're right." I agreed. "So, after we buy the materials, let's go to my house and build it." David said. "Your house?" My eyes widen. "Yeah, you see there's an attic which is not used by my parents. So I used it as my extra room or some place where I could do messy activities." David explained. I nodded. "You better ask permission to my parents that we're going to your house." I smirked. "Sure, that's not a problem. After we return all these books, we'll go to your house and ask permission." David smiled. I smiled back. We stood up and walked towards the librarian. "Miss, we are done reading all these books. We are now returning them." David said to the librarian. The librarian, took a form and lend it to David. "Please sign this as a confirmation that you have returned all the books. Both of you must sign" The librarian said. David took a pen and started signing the form. After David signed the form, I signed the form. "Here you go" I smiled. "Thank you and have a good day" The librarian smiled. We smiled back.

David and I walked towards the parking lot to get his car. "I'm glad we are going to start the actual activity for our project" David said. "Uhm, yeah." I smiled. As soon as we reached his car, we both went in. And after we settled ourselves inside his car, he started driving. Eventually we became silent. "So, how are you? I mean your knee." David started the conversation. "Its fine, it hurts a little tho." I answered. "Next time, you should be more careful." David smirked. "I am." I argued. "You're clumsy little girl." David giggled. "Shut up and drive" I said as I rolled my eyes. "You're funny." David said as he smiled. I glanced at him. After that, we both went silent again. You know what? I actually feel happy. Maybe it is because that I'm in David's car and he's driving me home. And later we get to spend time to buy things for our project, and I could finally see David's house. I'll be seeing his parents in there. My heart pumps fast, I feel nervous and I don't know why. Only David has made me nervous, he's the reason why my heart pumps fast. what's up with him? "Here we are." David said as he stopped the car. We arrived in my house. "So, I'll come in and ask permission for you?" David said. "Yeah, do that." I said as I opened the car. As we were out of the car, we walked towards my house's gate, then door. I opened the door for him. He went in and I did too. "Mom, dad!" I shouted. i heard footsteps from upstairs. "David, go sit on the sofa." I said. David nodded at sat down on the sofa which is in our living room. I walked towards the dining room. Harry appeared from the stairs. "You're home." Harry said as he holds the towel. He's wet. He's from the bathroom taking a bath. "Yes, and I'm going out again. Where's mom and dad?" I asked. "They're at the terrace." Harry said. "Which terrace? We have three terrace remember?" I said. "Oh, the terrace which is located by your bedroom." Harry answered. "What are they doing in there!" I said as I ran up to go towards my bedroom. I finally reached and entered my bedroom. I walked towards the curtains. Behind the curtains, there's a terrace. I walked and put the curtains into a half and there's mom and dad. "What are you guys doing here?" I asked them. "We cleaned your terrace." Mom said. "Its been long since you cleaned this." Dad said. "Seriously? I could clean it myself." I said. "We have nothing to do today so we decided to clean terraces. And it seems this is the last terrace we cleaned so we stopped here and relaxed." Mom explained. "I can see that." I looked at them in a sarcastic way. They're sitting on a beach chair, they are like having a relaxation here. Well I can't blame them, the air is fresh here. "Anyway, David is here." I said. "Why?" Dad said as his eyes widen. "He wants to talk to you guys for something." I said as my voice cracked. "Why didn't you say so? Come on honey, we have a visitor." Mom said. "Or, you can just stay here and I'll bring David here. It won't take long." I insisted. "Is that fine with him? We should be the ones who entertain visitors." Mom said. "Its okay with him. Just stay okay?." I said as I walked away. "And you are trespassers!" I said to them. They laughed. I ran downstairs and went towards the living room. "David, they are upstairs. Come with me." I said. "Is that okay? They might be mad or something." David said. "Its totally fine okay? And they're relaxing right now so.. And they are trespassers!" I said. "Why?" David asked. "They entered my bedroom and used my terrace!" I answered. David laughed. We walked upstairs and went in my bedroom. "Mom, dad, David's here." I said to them as we walked towards them. "Hello David."Mom said. "Hello Mr and Mrs. Greyhams, i just want to ask you something." David said. "What is it?" Dad said. "Can I take Julianna out?" David asked. "What?" Mom reacted. "You're dating?!" Dad shouted. "Dad no! Not that kind of going out. David ask properly" I said. "I mean, we are going to start building our Science project." David explained. "Oh. That's more like it." Dad was relieved. Mom laughed silently. "We are going to buy materials at the hardware store and we are going to the mall. And after we buy, we'll go to my house to make the project." David said. "Your house? You're taking my daughter in your house? In a bedroom?" Dad's voice went high. "Sir, Mr. We have an attic at our house which is not used by my parents so instead, I used it as my extra room, or the room where I can do messy activities. And I thought it could be a great place to make robotics. I have some tools there that we can use. Don't worry sir, I won't do anything stupid with Julianna." David smiled. Dad looked at him seriously. I remained silent. "Come on honey, it is for their project." Mom said. "Alright." Dad said. "Thanks dad." I smiled. "Thank you sir." David thanked. "Julianna, text me on what's happening okay? Just to make sure okay?" Dad said. We all laughed. "Okay dad. We gotta go, time is running." I said. "Okay, take care." Dad said. "Have fun building the project." Mom waved. "Yes mom." I said as David and I ran downstairs. "Good thing they trust you." I said. "Really? Your dad don't" David laughed. "He's normally like that." I smiled.

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