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Felicity slides down the fridge in her bakery. Exhausted, still they haven't been able to hire anyone, no one wants to work near the MC. Her father has been by a few times in the past week, he knows she lives in the loft above the bakery and he knows she doesn't leave much unless it's for emergency baking supplies. Business has been steady at first people were afraid to come bear but the MC has made it clear they won't be messing with her. Nobody knows the reason why just yet.

"Felicity! I brought help!" Gia shouts running into the kitchen. She frowns when she sees her boss sitting on the floor arms wrapped around her legs. "Are you okay?"

"I'm alright just tired. You brought help?"

Gia grins "Yes! This is Emily Fiona and Tessa they're all old lady's you can trust them."

"Oh my you are a spitting image of your father" Emily an older women with salt and pepper hair smiles walking over, she pulls her into a hug. Felicity tenses but melts into the hug. "I know the past few months have been hard on you honey. I'm sorry you went through all you've been through. I know it's going to be hard but hear your father out."

Felicity closes her eyes enjoying the comfort. "I don't think he wants to hear from me."

"Trust me honey he does. He won't leave the compound to come home afraid he's going to miss you."

It clicks "are you?"

"His wife" she nods pulling away and holding her at arms length, she frowns "My my honey you look exhausted."

"I'm alright" Felicity pulls away looking at the clock "alright it's 7:50 we open in ten minutes. Gia can you just show them the ropes before you head to school please? All the pastries are ready to be displayed, I've got dozens of back ups ready to be put in the oven and then switched out into the cases. Orders are prepped and or packaged."

"Okay now that you've done that, Gia will show us the ropes and you will head to bed."

"It's not even 8am I'm okay." She assures

"But you were up at 4am prepping right?" Gia rats her out

"Honey get some rest. You're exhausted. Atleast take a nap"

Felicity looks at the clock and sighs "alright" once she's sure everything is okay and they all know what to do she heads towards the back up the stairs to her little home. She walks over to her bed and stares at it.

"Dammit" she groans slipping her shoes back on and walking out the door down the steps that take her behind the building so she doesn't have to go through the bakery. She makes her way towards the compound. There's a guy standing on a balcony type thing above the gates he runs down the stairs when he sees her and presses a button letting her in.

"Your Pops is in there"

"Thankyou" she smiles at him before walking towards the compound door. She hears loud voices and laughter. Taking a deep breath she pushes it open.

"Felicity!" Her father jumps up from his seat but doesn't move towards her

"Hi I um- I'm sorry for just showing up but I'm" she stops sighing "Can we start over? I didn't mean to sound so horrible I promise I'm not usually like that- I just Im sorry"

Her father walks towards her slowly "You have no need to apologize honey. I'd love to start over. Can I hug you?"

Felicity laughs but nods she can't help the tears that spring to her eyes, her dad quickly brings her in squeezing her tight.

"I'm so sorry sweetie. So fucking sorry"

They stand there in the middle of the room hugging. "Come on let's talk in my office" he wraps his arm around her shoulder then leads her away.

"I'm really sorry about the other day" Felicity sighs biting her lip. Her dad leads her to a couch and has her sit before sitting next to her.

"I told you honey there's no need to apologize I shouldn't have demanded things from you. I had no idea what you've been throw and it's killing me knowing I could have saved you."

"I used to dream that my dad would just show up and save me. But it's not your fault you didn't know."

He frowns "Fuck baby I-"

"That's in the past" She waves him off "but I need to know now. If you plan on staying or not. Because if you'd It's want to be in my life I'll leave. I can't go through anymore pain. I can't do it."

"I'm not going anywhere sweetheart. I'm here to stay You're here to stay. I've loved you since the day you were born and I wish more than anything that I would have watched you grow. I'll make up for it."

She lets out a sigh "okay. Can you tell me about yourself?"

"I would love to sweets. What would you like to know?"

"Do you have any family?"

"I do i have a sister Destiny she lives two towns over but we keep in touch her son Hanson is actually in the club he goes by Hammer I'll introduce you to him later. We grew up in this world our great great grandfather formed the MC I took over at eighteen when my father suddenly passed a few months after that you were born."

"Do you really own this whole street?"

He laughs "Almost until a pretty baker decided to by the last building on the street."

She smiles shrugging "The realtor tried to convince me not to. But I wasn't scared of you"

"I'm glad. We have a few other businesses. A machanic shop, a tattoo shop and there's a flower shop as well."

"A flower shop?"

"My wife Emily owns it."

"I met her she's really sweet. I think she knew I needed a hug she didn't even hesitate."

"She's a good one. I met her a few years after you were born. She's actually the one I would send to keep an eye on you, I couldn't risk others seeing me."

She nods a long yawn leaving her lips "I'm sorry. I'm exhausted"

"You look exhausted sweety. You need to take care of yourself."

"I'm trying but the bakery's been doing so well and I can't find any help. Todays the first day I've been able to step out because Gia brought some ladies over."

"Emily wasn't very happy I didn't tell her you were struggling before, she insisted they went to help you."

"It's much appreciated. I'm supposed to be napping but I couldn't I needed to talk to you." She leans her head against the couch

"When's the last time you got good rest?" He asks her frowning

"I slept last night. Went to bed after prepping."

"What time?"

"Ummm like 2am maybe? I don't even know I had to be up by 4 am to start pastries this morning."

"Fucking Christ honey! You can't be doing that shit." He tells her his eyes holding nothing but worry. She's not used to that.

"I'll be ok. I'm just going to close my eyes for a sec" but she falls into a deep sleep. Her father lays her down and drapes a blanket over her before leaving the room locking it behind him.

"She's sleeping keep it down and don't fucking go that way" He says as he enters the bar area taking his usual seat in his booth.

"When can i meet her?" His nephew Hammer asks giddy

"Soon I told her about you."

"How's she doing?" His vp Dread asks

"She's alright, she wants me in her life."

"That's good boss"

Slaughter sighs "Kids been through some serious shit."

Baker girl *Vacant Souls MC*Where stories live. Discover now