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Slaughter sends Dread and a few other patched members on a run. Felicity had given them a list of names Widgy was working with along with a list of places and warehouse he once had. They didn't know if any of this was still relevant however as the mother charter they needed to deal with it.

As much as she missed Dread she needed some space. She needed some alone time with her Babygirl, some time to think about what she was going to do.

Is she supposed to just forgive and forget?

"City!" Tessa shouts "Hey you okay? You've been counting the same bags of sugar for like ten minutes."

Felicity sighs she glances at where Bobby is sitting eating a snack with Gia keeping her company. The teen is completely entertained by the little girl telling a story about how carrots are her favorite because bunnies. "I'm alright just thinking"

Tessa comes and sits infront of her "About dread?"

"About everything, there's just so much going on."
She starts putting the sugar bags back in the storage cabinets.

"Honey I know what happened was hard, it was something that completely broke the trust you had in him and your dad but when I tell you it's there law it's there law. They live by club law, and if dread needs to do something to keep you safe and alive he's going to do it because it's law even if it means breaking your trust. Because at the end of the day he would rather you safe alive and pissed at him then dead. And I get it honey I get that this is insane and it could have been worse it could've have taken a turn-"

"My daughter was put in danger Tess she's my everything and by dread demanding I give them information I put her life and Stella's in danger. It could've gone wrong it could have ended badly."

Tessa nears her on the floor taking her hands "But it didn't " she stresses "Your baby is safe and with you, she loves Dread and he loves her. Everything possible is going to be done and is getting done to keep you alive, to keep your Babygirl alive. Don't let the anger over power to love you have for him and the love he has for you."

Felicity looks down at her hands in Tessa's "I love him, I do and I've never loved anyone but my Babygirl but this is all new to me and I just- I don't know" she sighs "it's just a lot, and not only that I have to see all these men everyday and I can't help but feel terrified. The look Trigger gave me when he forced the information out of me I- that's not the trigger I've grown to know but it's who he is."

"The day all of this happened Trugger couldn't even ride home. He was so upset with himself I had to come get him, he was so upset but he also knows it's what he's ordered to do by his president, he did what he needed to do to keep his people safe but I swear to you he didn't want to."

"I know. But I can't help how I feel when I see him or any of the other guys. It's going to take me a while to stop feeling this way."

"And that's okay" She pauses "Have I ever told you how Trigger and I ended up together?"

" Trigger mentioned something about you both hating eachother at first but that's about it"

Tessa smiles small she looks down at her hands "I was actually a prostitute." She looks away afraid of judgement

"Tess do not be embarrassed I literally sold my body for drugs and I have no idea who my kids dad is."

Tessa sighs almost in relief before continuing "I had just turned eighteen and my pimp had dropped me he only wanted young fresh girls and I was no longer fresh I was desperate to find new clients new work when I stumbled across a club about an hour from here they were mostly older men but they paid good and they treated me like family. Everything was fine I was safe and I was as happy as I could be living that life then one day there was a shooting in the middle of the night a group of men came in and murdered everyone, Hanes who's the man I was usually with he was the vp a sweet older man had me hide in a secret compartment in his closet. I stayed in that closet for days I didn't move I didn't speak I didn't make a sound until on the third day the Soul Riders rode in. Dread is actually the one who found me Hanes had shown him the compartment and he told me he had a feeling he needed to check it." She pauses wiping a tear, Felicity squeezes her hand "At first a few of the men thought I had something to do with it, that I had something to do with a whole clubs murder. Dread and Hammer believed me right away but Trigger didn't, they ended up bringing me back to the club. They put me in lockdown and I wasn't allowed to leave the shed. For days Trigger tortured me trying to get information out of me. But I didn't know a damn thing. Finally they believed me and let me go. Slaughter offered me a home and I stayed. Within the first few weeks Trigger couldn't stand the idea of anyone else touching me and before I knew it he was mine and I was his."

"How did you forgive him?"

"It's hard there's days where I look at him and just imagine all the pain he put me through but then he looks at me with those big blue eyes and he just holds my face and I remember the man I love, there's nights I still have nightmares and he just holds me assuring me he will never leave me and he loves me more than ñ anything. It's not easy City not at all but in the end when these men find there one that's it, they will love and protect unconditionally and they will do all they can to keep you safe and happy. You have to remember that."

"Right now that dreads gone I miss him more than anything but I'm still so mad"

"And you have every right to be."

The door to the bakery opens, they look up to see Slaughter walk in.

Although she's still really mad at him he walks up to his granddaughter and gives her a hug and kiss before walking over to his daughter and kissing her head "Baby I need to ask you some questions"

"I already told you all I know dad"

He shakes his head "I know honey that's not what I'm asking. The guys found that three out of eight warehouses are still in use except not by the club you said was working with them. But by the gremlins."

"Gremlins? That name sounds familiar. Do you know which warehouses?"

"One in Bakers and two in WittyFalls" he pulls up a picture and shows it to her

"This one in Witty falls was supposed to be a new underground club, this second one was going to be some kind of study and they were going to use it to launder money and this second location was where a lot of the girls stayed. I stayed there a few times when I was to injured or malnourished to preform."

She can tell those words pain her dad.

"Got it. What about these men? Anything?"

He sets a few pictures on the floor.

Immediately she recognizes most of them. She winces "They were regulars, this guy paid big bucks he also supplied the best drugs all the girls wanted him."

Slaughter curses "fucking shit"


"This guy is Vice President of one of our sister charters. His president Grip is not going to like the sound of this." He sighs "Alright honey I'm going to have to go on a run I need to talk to grip in person figure shit out. There will be a few prospects left behind but I'm taking Specs and Reaper with me."

"I don't want to be alone" she says immediately

"Gia and I usually stay with Emily if there's no one here, just come stay with us."

Slaughter nods agreeing "Yeah that's a great idea"

"Alright if it's alright with Rmily."

"Ofcourse it is honey." He leans down and kisses her head again "I'll give her a call and fill her in. I love you stay out of trouble."

Stay out of trouble. Got it.

Baker girl *Vacant Souls MC*Where stories live. Discover now