Twenty Two

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Before Slaughter even announced church he makes sure Web checks for bugs. They find two. He doesn't remove them.

Once everyone is in church he exchanges a look with Dread and Trigger. Their faces vacant of any emotion or telling signs. "Alright! Im going to get right fucking to it because im fivking livid" he shouts "I want to know how the Fuvk this low life has gotten all this fuvking information that only people in this fucking room would know" he pauses gauging the faces around the room, shock and anger filling them "SOMEONE IN MY FUCKING CLUB IS A FUCKING RAT."

Protests fill the room people shouting trying to prove its not them. Some stand some pace some punch the wall. It's chaos and it's exactly what they needed to happen. They need Tessa to think they're turning against eachother. They need Widgy to think he's winning.

"ENOUGH" Slaughter slams a hand on the table. "It doesn't fuvking matter. I don't trust any of you" it literally pains him to say this betrayal and anger written on the faces all over the room. "We're staying put. Until we know who the fuvking rat is. We're not going after Widgy until I know who I can trust. All od you pull your fuvking weight around the club. Constant protection on my girls. Dread you don't leave her side and if you need to they stay with me."

"Got it boss" he grunts

"I'm done" he hits the gavel "I don't want to ducking see any of you rightnow" he growls standing and storming out of the room.

"You heard your president. We're watching everyone with a close eye. Keep your noses clean. Get the fuck out of here" Dread stands once everyone but Web and trigger are gone they continue talking. "Fuck there's no way it's one of our brothers."

"All the evidence points towards them VP." Web says "Unless Tr-"

"I already told you it's not me!" Trigger hisses "I proved mgself"

"Did you brother? Because-"

"I thought we had more trust then that brother" Trigger glares at dread "So did I"

Trigger growls storming out of the room "Fuck you Dread!" He shouts once the door opens immediately letting everyone know somethings going on the door slams closed again

"Look more into Trigger I don't trust it"

"Got it boss" Web salutes before leaving the room. Dread takes a deep breath before leaving. He just needs to see Felícity and maybe some Bobby love will get him through this shitty day.

He has to break up three fights before he makes it outside. Slaughter and Felícity are sitting on a picnic bench watching Bobby ride her motorcycle in circles.

"Slow down princess!" Dread shouts "We don't want boo boos"

Slaughter chuckles wrapping an arm around his daughter as dread sits by her. "Who would have thought Dread in love, with a kid saying boo boos singing old McDonald buying pink motorcycles."

Dread leans forward elbows on his knees "I never would believe you if you told me this months ago but now" he looks at Bobby who's squealing in happiness "It's all I know and all I want"

Felícity moves out of her dads arms and rests her head on dreads back she kisses his neck "I love you"

Dread sits up bringing her into his arms "I love you too Babygirl"

""How'd it go?" Slaughter leaned forward voice low "They buy it?"

"Mhm they're in there going at eachothers necks"

"Fuck" Slaughter sighs "This is gonna be hard to clean up"

"It's what had to be done" Dread says "She has to think we're suspicious of our club"

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