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Finally things are bit calmer. She was able to find a few employees mostly young girls who help after school and in the mornings Fiona and Tessa. Both old lady's and around her age. They've become good friends to her.

"I'm gonna have your Dad look into that" Emily says as she walks into the bakery

"What?" Felicity asks looking up from the cake she was decorating.

"That van, Gia said she's seen it around town when you've been out to get stuff."

She looks out the window and scrunches her eyebrows. In confusion. "I haven't even noticed"

"We'll looks like he's getting out of the van now!" Tessa calls out.

Felicity looks out the window and gasps falling to the floor hiding behind the counter.


"Do not tell him I'm here. Please!" She whisper shouts as the door opens.

"Welcome to City's Pastries! What can I get you today?"

She hears the heavy footsteps the clatter of his ringed fingers tapping on the counter.

"You can give this to Felicity."

"Don't know who you're talking about." Tessa plays dumb

"She can hide all she wants I know she's here."

"Sir you need to buy something or get out"

The door opens again.

"Dread!" Emily shouts "How can we help?"

"Just doing our usual checks on the people we protect." Dread says A few different sets of boots are heard.

She can hear the eye roll coming from the man she's hiding from. "You give this to felicity and tell her I'm waiting"

Loud booted footsteps are heard then someone being slammed against the wall.

"You'll stay the fuck away from Felicity. She's under the protection of the Vacant Souls Mc. You mess with her you mess with us." Dread growls out

The man chuckles, a few seconds later she hears his footsteps walking towards the door. "See you soon babe!"

Then the door opens and closes.

"Fucking follow him! Makes sure he gets the fuck out of town! Make sure he knows he's fucking being followed" Dread shouts storming towards where She's hiding.

"Felic- hey hey babe your okay. Hey" Dread kneels infront of her taking her hands away from her face.

"He wasn't supposed to find me" Felicity cries her breathes coming out heavy "im dead"

Dread pulls her into his arms holding her and hushing her cries. "Emily can you take over? I'm taking her to the compound."

"Ofcourse, I'll take care of the deliveries we've got It all handled"

"Trigger go pick up the girls from school, I don't want any of them out there until we know this guy is gone. Bring them back here and stay with them, Trip go with him, prospect stay here."

She blocks out the rest of Dreads orders it isn't until she feels Dread try to put her down that she snaps out of it. She jumps from the couch and starts pacing. The door to the compound slams open and her Dad rushes in.

"Dread, did you handle it?"

"Hands and Drew are following him until he leaves town. He left a letter."

"I leave the compound for one fucking hour and this happens. Fuck!" Slaughter shouts

Felicity's head snaps to the side and she snatched the letter from Dreads hands.

"Honey I don't think that's a good idea" Her dad tries to take the letter but she's already opening it.

Her eyes scan over the letter her hands shaking.

"Felicity honey I need you to tell me what the fuck is going on! Who the fuck was that guy!"

Felicity finished reading the letter and closes her eyes tears haven't stopped. "I need to leave." She chokes out  "He knows I'm here I have to leave."

"Fuck that" Dread scoffs

"You're not going anywhere"Slaughter shouts taking the letter from her hands.

"You don't get it! He'll kill me!"

"I don't think you understand the power we hold Felicity. No one is hurting you" Dread says he takes her into his arms again " Calm Down babe please"

Her dad puts the letter down and looks at her "Whst the fuck did you get yourself into?"

"I-" she doesn't know what to say. "It's a long story"

"I've got all the time honey. Come on we'll talk in the chapel" Slaughter walks through the compound into a meeting room. He motions for a few people to follow she notices it's all ranked members. Dread leads her in and helps her sit down in a chair near him before taking his own chair.

"Honey I just want to keep you safe." Slaughter sighs

Felicity sighs rubbing her face. "His name is Finn Caldwidge, he goes by Widgy. I was sixteen when I met him it was after I ran away from moms. When I left moms I did anything and everything to make money I was determined to make it in life. I worked odd jobs everywhere. I met him at West Girls it's a strip club i was a host and he was there almost every night. At first he didn't pay me any mind but then" she groans she notices the look they exchange at the name"I really don't want to tell you this Dad"

Slaughters heart soars. That's the first time she calls him Dad.

"Look honey you went through some shot and you did what you could to move forward to thrive and as much as I hate it working at a strip club is part of your story it's in the past. I'm not mad. I just want to know."

She sighs "Okay, one night theee of the girls where out sick and Megs the owner was freaking out so she had me go on stage. From that moment on Widgy was obsessed with me. Megs warned me to be careful, he had a habit of plucking her girls from her club and once they went with him they were never the same. At first I stayed away but I was sixteen and desperate to get out of that life so I accepted his offer and went to a building one night it was in underground strip club. Of underage girls and dirty old men." Her hands shake and she closes her eyes. A hand takes her own. She opens her eyes and smiles gratefully at Dread. "I was going to leave but he convinced me to stay just for that night he promised no one would touch me. And they didn't I made so much money that night I couldn't stop going back. It continued for weeks I was okay with it I made money I was safe i didn't live on the streets nobody touched me. Until one night, I-" she pauses to take a breathe, a squeeze to her hand helps her continue "Basically I don't remember but I was drugged and I was so out of my mind I signed a contract. He owns me. From then on they did what ever they wanted to me. I was miserable, I was addicted to drugs and-" she stops again not being able to continue her sentence but they all know. "I was almost eighteen when there was a raid. There was so many underage girls everyone was arrested. Widgy was arrested I took my money and left. I sat in a crappy motel detoxing all by mysely. I cleaned myself up I got my GED and I went to college. Everything was fine for almost four years. Then mom died the same week I got her letter I got a letter from Widgy telling me it was time for me to come back to him. Then o got moms letter and I thought it was a sign mom said you'd never let anything happen to me but-"

"Honey shhh calm down" her Dad comes towards her kneeling in front of her chair "Mom was right im not letting anyone hurt you. She knew I would protect you."

"He'll kill me if I don't go with him."

"No one is hurting you Felicity. I know you have no reason to but I need you to trust me. You baby are my daughter that makes you club royalty these men will give their life for you."

"But I-"

"No simple as that."

"I'm so scared" she chokes out, he simply takes her into his arms. "I've got you Babygirl"

Baker girl *Vacant Souls MC*Where stories live. Discover now