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"No fuck that Felicity you are not putting that on us" Dread stands angry

"Dread-" Slaughter starts but Dread shakes his head

"No I'm sorry Prez but this is fucking stupid. Look felicity i understand that this is all too fuckong much and I know you blame us for Widgy finding out about Bobby and you blame us for everything because we got the information out of you but that's fucking bullshit! You should have told us way fucking before! We've kept you and Bobby saf-"

Felicity laughs a humourless laugh "You kept me safe? You fucking kept me safe? Really where the fuck was I that past few weeks? Not with you! I wasn't-"

"That's not fair!" Dread shouts "I spent every fucking waking moment looking for you! I spent every second of every day looking for you. And your daughter? She was safe with me! I was the one holding her and comforting her when she'd wake in the middle of the night! Me!"


"No shut the fuck up and listen Felicity because I'm fucking over this bullshit. You are angry I get that but frankly I don't ducking care. The information you gave us was necessary to get out of you, people are home and safe because of that information traders in clubs have been dealt with people are safe. My brother has closed dozens of cases with this information. Your daughter is safe in the same building with you, she's happy and safe. Be as fucking angry as you want to be but you know what I'll do it again and again in order for you to be here safe with me. With your daughter." He shouts "What you went through is horrible no person should have to go through that. And I fucking hate that I didn't keep you safe and out of harms way but you are here and we are going to end this. So stop fucking whining because it could be worse. You could be dead." He aggressively grabs all the pictures tossing them on the table and slamming his hand on them "You could be them"

Felicity opens her mouth then shuts it, she turns away from Dread crossing her arms.

"Sit down honey" Slaughter tells her but she shakes her head her eyes on the floor. Dread gets closer and takes her arm but she snatched it away. Dread sighs but he steps away giving her the space she needed.

"I looked into all these women" Spec speaks up when Slaughter motions for him to speak "They're all between the ages of-"

"Eighteen and 24" she whispers

"Which isn't his usual age range" Trigger says "Ehy these girls"

Felicity sighs "These are all the girls that started off when I started working for Widgy, they're all the girls I helped get out of there. I helped them restart their lives." She walks forward spreading out the pictures. "She was a teacher, had degrees a husband and kids" she points at another . "She was so little when she came in I got her back to her parents and she had just graduated high school she was going to a big time college. She-" Felicity stops closing her eyes a single year trickles down her cheek and she quickly wipes it "Stella was so young when Widgy brought her in. she had no family absolutely no one, justlike me. I took her in she loved her job she loved Bobby." She chokes on her words. "Does her boyfriend know?"

"He found her"



"Don't baby me Dread" Felicity spits out "Hoe the fuck did she die"

Dread shakes his head, he won't be the one to tell her.

"Felicity I don't think you want-" Slaughter starts

"I need to know"

Trigger answers her question "She was beat to death, they grabbed her right outside her work. Her boyfriend got worried when she didn't call after work like she does daily. He spent days looking for her. Three days later a black van tossed her almost lifeless body in there compound. Hours later she died of her injuries"


Looks are exchanged then a note is slid forward. With shaky fingers she takes it.  "This was delivered this morning"

'I told you I'd kill you if information got out.
You rat.
They all died because of you.
I told you, I warned you.
Last on my list that beautiful girl of yours. '

She stumbles on her feet, Dread stands quickly and steadies her, gently he sits her down on the chair he was sitting in. He stands right behind her.

'What do you need to know?"

Spec looks to slaughter again who kids. He stands pushing his glasses up his nose then puts a blue print on the table smoothing it out.

"This is-"

"Widgys safe house"

"What? We thought it was just a warehouse"

Felicity shakes her head "Those are all gone. He sold them to the Gremlins, they're expanding they're drug empire, I don't know if it's true or not but I overheard Fredrick and Frits talking about how they were working with the cartel and they would eat them up."

"No doubt about that"

"The warehouses were kept under one name Ophelia Neza. She's Widgys daughter she lives in like Alaska or something although to everyone else she's dead. They're kept under that name so they're never connected to any club, or any illegal organizations so it's never led back to Widgy and if somehow they find out who's name it's actually under they won't ever find her. Even now that they're sold it's the same name.

"Okay so this warehouse it's more than likely where Widgy is being kept. However it's probably completely impenetrable. We need to know how to get in. This" he circles a certain spot "We don't know if we're right but we think if there's any um merchandise at this location it would be here"

"But we don't think there's anything there"

Felicity sighs she stands on shaky legs and points towards the very right end. "There's a door here it goes two flights down. This is where he keeps all the hard stuff. He moved it when he took me"

"How do you know?"

"Because he made me touch every single thing."

Curses fill the room.

"He told me if I tried to run he would place an anonymous call. I would go to jail. And he'd have me killed in there"

"Fucking shit! We need to get rid of that shit now"

"Felicity honey is there anything we need to know?" Slaughter asks his daughter

"A few days before you guys found me, the day lawny and Indy where at the club. Hours later there was an attack. I don't know what club it was but they took down most of Widgys men. He's weak right now but he's also recruiting he's got one of his most trusted me bringing people in from Ireland and A few other places. He might have sped up the process after you guys showed up but as far as I know it would be a few more weeks. He's planning on hitting the clubs who didn't want to work with him anymore"

"That's most of our sister charters"

"Alright Thankyou honey. You can go now"

She quickly turns to walk away not sparing anyone a single glance.  She speeds towards her shared room with Dread shutting the door and sliding down it. The tears fall down her cheeks and sobs shake her body.

Once again she's failed.

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