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"Papa! Can I have my icecream now?"

Bobby asks from where she's hanging on her papas back she still insists on being a monkey.

"Hmmm I don't know baby. Do monkeys eat icecream?"

Bobby climbs up until she's hanging over his shoulder, she looks at his face shocked "Papa come on! I'm a special monkey!"

Slaughter laughs swinging her over to squeeze her "Oh Ofcourse baby! Silly me"

Felicity watches them her heart happy. Her baby will always be loved. She has to blink back tears.

"Felicity sweets icecream?"

Felicity quickly wipes any emotion off her face and smiles at her dad. "I need to go grab some stuff, I'll meet you back at the food court."

"I'll come with you or a prospect then we'll go get icecream. That okay Bobby?"

"Yeah papa"

"Dad I really don't think you want to go to this store with me. It's fine I'll be 30 minutes tops."

Her dad scrunches his nose "Añrihht fine I'll give you privacy. Keep your guard up if you're not back in thirty Im going to come find you."

"Got it. I'll be back Bobby baby okay? I love you"

Bobby jumps half way into her arms hugging her tight Felicity almost loses it. She kisses her head "love you so much baby love"

"Love you mamá. Papa give mama kisses!"

Slaughter laughs and hugs his only daughter then kisses her cheek "Love you sweetheart"

"I love you to dad so much." She let's go and grins "When I come back we'll get a banana split yeah?"

"Yes! Go mama hurry!"

With that she gives her baby one last kiss then walks away. As soon as she's out of sight she ducks into a hallway taking her phone out of her purse taking it apart tossing it in the trash. Tears slowly fall as she walks towards a back exit.

Right there standing by a van is Widgy. Arms crossed a cigarette hanging from his lips. He's not a bad looking guy. No he's insanely handsome he's tall and he's muscular but he doesn't even come close to comparing to her Willlow

"Wise chose Sweetcheeks" he grins "Are they going to follow you?"

"Do you swear no harm will come to my family? Bobby and Dread are safe my dad is safe."

Widgy nears her he circles her then a hand lands on her ass. She closes her eyes willing the tears away.

"I give you my word. No one will mess with the soul riders or your babygirl." He motions for her to go towards the van, when she doesn't move he takes her and dragging her. "If I'm good on one thing it's my word. Get in"

The tears stream as he shoves her into the van. As they pull out and farther from the mall she sees bikes pulling in. But she's gone. And she's not coming back.

The hardest things she's ever had to do is lie to her dad, then Willow, then her child. With every lie she told she felt her heart breaking into tiny pieces. Now as she sits here in a makeup chair straightening her newly cut and dyed hair she has to force the tears back.

She'll never see her Babygirl again. She'll never see her laughing at Willow when he does something silly that his brothers will tease him about but he doesn't care because Bobby is happy and Bobby wants him to do it again.

She'll never sit with her dad and hear him tell her stories about just about everything. Never get to hug him or see him go soft when he sees his granddaughter.

She'll never get to hold, kiss and just be with the love of her life. She'll never get to giggle as he kisses all over her face and he tells her just how much he loves her. She'll never get to be wrapped in his arms safe and content.

She won't ever see her family, the ones who make her happy and complete.

"Sweetcheeks! You're up girl!"

Taking a deep breath she kisses the picture of her loves before tucking it back into her makeup bag. Slowly she stands she's not wearing much, her top doesn't even cover her nipples and her ass is out of the little skirt.

The musics already playing. Per usual there's a whole crowd around the stage waiting for her to come out. They're yelling her name and already throwing money on the stage.

In the back she sees Widgy shaking hands with someone. One of his highest paying customers, the man heads towards the room that says ' Sweetcheeks' on it a security guard letting him in and closing it behind him.

Her set is three minutes long, once she's got her money gathered she heads to the back to change into a new outfit her robe on over it.

"There's my star" Widgy grins walking into the room. He walks straight to her and slams her against a wall. "Soul riders have been seen to fucking close"

Hope bubbles in her. "I don't know anything"

Widgy looks her face over than suddenly has a hand wrapped around her neck. Felicity gasps her nails clawing at his hands.

"If I find out you have anything to do with this I will kill your daughter and I will kill that scum of a VP and You will fuvking watch. Do you hear me?"

She gasps out a barely audible yes. Widgy squeezes once more than let's get go, her body slamming on the floor.

"Get your ass in there Kip paid for two hours full package."

She wants to puke. Wants to yell at him and tell him to fuck off. Wants to run and not stop until she's back in her loves arms. But she doesn't. She simply nods her head then strides out the door towards the room so many men pay thousands of dollars for. The room she wants to set on fire.

The only things that keeps her going is the images of her little family in her head. One day that won't be enough.

Maybe she should have told them. She should have let them see the letter. Willow would have helped, her Dad would have. But then they'd be dead. She couldn't do that. Couldn't risk their safety.

The simple words in the letter echo in her head. 'You or your family. Come willingly. Glaciar Mall 2:45 tomorrow. I'll be waiting'

She doesn't want to be here anymore. She wants to die. She wants nothing more than to end this all. Maybe if she's dead they'll stop looking, Widgy will dump her body somewhere and they'll find out quick.

Then they'll be able to move on. They need closure. And knowing her baby girl is safe with the man she loves and her dad is enough closure for her.

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