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It's been two weeks and nothing. Complete silence. Slaughter had Web look into Widgy. He's fourteen hours away. Nowhere near Felicity. Still she's never alone. Dreads with her at all times or her father. She's been staying at the club. Her dad has his own place but he hasn't left the compound much afraid he won't be there when she needs him

Right now she's dancing around the kitchen. It's 6am and she's putting the last of the cookies in the oven, all of her ovens are full.

Dread is currently helping her clean up but his eyes won't leave her.

"Hmmm" she stops suddenly "you know what I really want?"

Dread wipes his hands turning to look at her, he smiles as he sees her smiling at him.

"A big juicy burger"

She knows he wants to make a dirty joke but he doesn't. Instead he pulls her apron until she's flush against his chest.

"It's literally six am baby" Dread laughs his hands on her waist.

Her cheeks tint just like they do every time he touches her. She wants him to kiss her so bad.

"Your point is?"

"How about we make a deal" he smiles goodness she loves his smile.

"Mhm" she hums her eyes looking at his lips. He raises a hand an caresses her cheek.

"I'll take you to lunch and get you that big juicy burger." He slowly moves closer to her lips "If you let me ki-"

She doesn't let him finish crashing her lips against his. Dread bends down lifting her and placing her on the counter. Their bodies pressed together as there lips move perfectly in sync.

Hesitantly dread pulls away his forehead against hers "fuck baby I've been wanting to kiss you since the day I laid eyes on you."

Her cheeks tint bright pink "Really? I don't- I don't get it?"

"Baby have you seen yourself? You're fucking gorgeous I- I can't get you out of my head. You're so silly, your attitude drives me crazy. You're so outspoken, you don't give a shit yet you're so so fucking shy." He pauses "I'm fucking falling for you. And I know you've been through some shit but baby I want to be the one there for you. I want to be your shoulder. Lean on me I've got you."

Felicity wraps her arms tightly around him resting her head on his chest. He holds her just as tight leaning his chin on her head. They stay there for a few minutes just holding eachother until they're interrupted by the timer. Felicity gasps quickly pulling away and jumping of the counter. Before she runs to the oven she takes Dreads shirt and pulls him down kissing his lips "I want my burger" then runs to the ovens.

Dread laughs "You've got it baby. I'll start filling the display cases."

"Thanks Dread" she smiles

"Willow my name is Willow"

Felicity grins pouting her lip "That's so cute! I love it!"

Dread laughs shaking his head as he walks out of the kitchen area. Slaughter is standing there arms crossed. Dread winces.

"How much of that did you hear?"

"Enough, I could've been anyone you know. I could've been someone coming to kill my kid."

"Triggers outside I would've known. Kid let you in on purpose" Dread scoffs

"Look kid. I see the way you look at her and I heard everything you said to her. If it had to be anyone I'm glad it's you."he says "However you hurt her I'll fucking skin you alive. That's my baby I'll be damned if anything happens to her."

"Got it boss"

"After all the shit she's been through she deserves nothing but the best, deserves to be treated like royalty and I know you'll do just that."

Dread grins "Boss that's girls got me wrapped around her finger and she doesn't even know it."

Slaughter laughs.

"Dad? Is that you!"

Slaughter smiles "Yeah honey it's me!"

"Come here! I made you those Mexican breads you love!"

"Ohhh!" He heads towards the back. Dread shakes his head watching his president hug his daughter tightly taking the treats she offered.

"Honey Emily insisted on throwing you a party tonight-"

"Dad no i told you I don't want anything" she groans

Dreads head snaps to the left "Wait- baby it's your birthday?

"No! I don't like to celebrate my birthday don't make a big deal of it Dad, Willow" she whines

"Oh shit" her Dad laughs "Legal name?"

"Told you boss I'm fucking serious about your kid" Dread grins "Don't think you're getting of easy baby."

Felicity groans "I don't celebrate my birthdays. I never had a reason to. I never had anyone to celebrate with."

Dread walks towards her wrapping his arms around her "Well now you do and we will celebrate you big, baby. Twenty one! That's big Love!"

"Do we have to?"

"Yes love. Emily wanted to do a surprise party but I didn't want to scare you." Slaughter says "it's just a barbecue. It's also a chance for all my brothers to meet my daughter."

Felicity groans turning but Dread doesn't let her out of his arms so she ends up draped over his arm all her weight supported.  "Fine, but only if you go on all of my deliveries with me"

"Baby you're not doing deliveries today" Dread scoffs "I'm taking you out to breakfast and Tessa can handle the deliveries she loves doing it. You're closing early today and we're celebrating you."


"No buts. I'm gonna spoil you rotten" Dread grins.

"Dad help me" she whines but he only laughs

"Baby I agree. You deserve to be spoiled." He looks over as the front door opens Tessa and Fiona walk in. They are usually stay at home moms who help with all the club businesses every once in a while but they love the bakery. "Tessa and Fiona will handle all this. The girls don't have school today they'll be in soon. Enjoy your day let your man spoil you"

She blushes as he says her man.

"Yes! We've got it! Go enjoy your day girl!" Tessa and Fiona both come and give her a hug wishing her a happy birthday before shooing her upstairs. Her dad kisses her cheek before leaving. Dread follows her upstairs.

"I hope I'm not coming of rude" she bites her lip as she goes straight to her closet "I'm just not used to people wanting to celebrate me or spoil me  or even be decent human beings."

Dread places his hands on her hips turning her around "I'm sorry that's the way it's been baby but that's long gone. I promise I won't ever let you feel any less, I'll always make you feel wanted and appreciated because you are. Okay?"

"Okay" she smiles small "Now since it's my birthday do I get whatever I want?"

"Absolutely baby"

Felicity smiles her hands gripping his shirt "Okay then kiss me." She pulls him down to her level

Dread grins his lips inching towards hers "You got it baby"

Baker girl *Vacant Souls MC*Where stories live. Discover now