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Three days.

Three days of blissful silence.

Web has been keeping constant tabs, he has alerts on every single device he owns. Widgy won't be making a move without him knowing. They know his location and they know he hasn't moved. Its a warehouse a couple hours away from gentry. To close for comfort.

Although Widgy and all the danger is still looming over their heads Felicity is trying to implement some sort of normality in their lives. First step was getting back to work. The girls were more than happy to get back to working, once word spread that the bakery was once again open locals were keeping Felicity busy.

"Baby" Dread walks into the bakery Trigger and Web by his side "You got a minute?" He slips behind the counter kissing her lips he moves to her ear one hand on the back of her neck "Its urgent"

"I've got this honey" Tessa walks away from a display case rubbing her back as she goes the the counter to help the next customer.

Felicity's hands grip his cut her eyes close, she takes a deep shaky breath her forehead resting on his chest.Dreads hands make calming motions on her sides. "Okay" she looks up "Em can you take charge"

Emily walks out of the kitchen wiping her hands "Ofcourse honey. Bobby come help me put some treats out"

Bobby pops up from behind a counter where she was mixing one of her many concoctions. She loves to 'bake'. Which in Bobby's world translates to mixing a bunch of items together. "Okay!" She gasps when she sees Dread "Daddy!" She runs over jumping, Dread lists her into his arms kissing her head "Hi princess. Daddy's gotta talk to momma okay? Can you stay with Emily? Indy Watch her."

There's always a few brothers at the bakery but there's always one assigned strictly to watching Bobby. "Got it boss"

Dread and Felicity both kiss Bobby before handing her over to Emily who walks over the the register pulling out a stepping stool so she can help her. Tessa switched her heading to the kitchen. Trigger kisses her lips as he walks by.

"Office" Felicity takes Dreads hand and leads them to the office where her Dad is. He's sitting with a few of the presidents of the sister charts who have arrived within the last few days.

"Prez" Dread nods at him "We've got some intel"

"Alright. Frogs got some bad news." He motions to Frog a big burly man with a permanent scowl. Although most of these men have the same appearance it seems.

"Our main warehouse got torched. We've got feds on our asses now. Im gonna have to head down there and try to deal with this shit"

Dread shakes his head "Ill talk to my brother. Don't make a move just yet. How much was lost?"

"Nah man it wasn't full of merchandise. It was a safe house. Fortunately all the women and children escaped."

Felicity widens her eyes her head snapping to look at Dread.

"No no baby nothing like that. They're literally called silent angels they save women and children im abusive situations and relocate them." He assures her before turning to Frog "My brother will have no issue intervening."

"What happened to all the women and children?" Felicity asks

"They escaped into the woods, a few brothers left behind to watch over things found them. They're being relocated. Theyre safe."

Felicity nods reassured.

"Whatcha got Vp?"

"Web" Dread motions for him to go forward. Immediately he does putting his laptop down and typing before turning it. "I've got a solid location. He wasn't at the warehouse we thought."

Baker girl *Vacant Souls MC*Where stories live. Discover now