Twenty Four

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"Just let me go see!" Toby shouts

"No! Slaughter told us to stay put and that's what we're fucking doing!"

"But she's in danger!"

"Prez come on! It's Bobby!"

"Just let us go see! We'll stay far!"

"No! I want nothing more than to storm in there and bring Bobby home away from harm! But Slaughter gave an order!" Brick shouts as his men shout all around the room.

It's been a few hours since he received a call from Slaughter letting him know Widgy was in his town in Stella's old house. He held off telling his men until he could lock them all in the compound. He knew they would immediately all want to barge in there.

"Alright you heard your president. We're staying put"

"Who's the girl?"

In a booth sits Alana some homework out infront of her. "That is Alana Dreads niece Widgy knows her face we can't risk him seeing her. We'll protect her until Dread arrives. She's off limits."

"When will they arrive?" Glitz asks "Bobby needs us"

"Any minute now."

A few minutes later the sound of rumbling bikes are heard within minutes the clubhouse is full of their mother charter.

"Brother" Brick greets Slaughter with a hug "Dread Felícity"

Felícity is biting her lip looking around the room Dreads grip on her firm. She wants to run and get her baby but they need a plan first.

"Brick nice to see you" Dread scans the room smiling softly when he sees his niece "Lawny"

Alana looks up from the stack of homework she pulls out her earphone grinning as she stands skipping to her uncle. "Hi uncle willow" she hugs him then hugs Felicity who sinks into the hug "Hi sweetheart"

Alanas eyes connect with Indy's who stands straight he stares right at her, her eyes soften and she gives him a small smile that seems to shock him but she turns away quickly.

"What's the plan? How are you getting Bobby."

Dread sighs he goes to speak but Slaughter clears his throat "I'm going in alone"

"What?! No way!"

"He wants me. He's been trying to take me down for years" Slaughter sighs

"What? Dad what the hell are you talking about?" Her voice is hoarse she just wants it all the he over "I'm so confused"

"Sweetheart I told you I have enemies. Widgy has been trying to take down my club all our connecting clubs since before I was even club president. He's a sick man who holds grudges, my father your great grandfather used to work with him."


This is obviously information everyone else knew except for Felícity.


"Just spit it out dad so we can go get my baby!" Felícity shouts "I need to be with my baby!"

"Okay okay" he nods "Look sweetheart your grandfather wasn't the greatest man however when my sister was born he realized the life he was giving us was a comfortable one however it wasn't a good one. He decided to leave however you don't just leave Widgys world. So he faked his death and ran to Gentry that's where he went into the family business. The vacant souls has ran in our family for decades. His cousin who was president had recently passed and they were in desperate need so he took the president patch. Everything was fine for years. Until one day when your mom was pregnant with you I recieved a letter letting me know Widgy knew who I was and that he would burn down everything I knew and loved."

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