Twenty three

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"Tigga! Tigga!" Bobby shouts as she throws water in the air with the sponge. "I'm All wet!"

Trigger laughs grabbing the dinosaur towel and walking over to her "Your Daddy said not to get soaking wet"

"Oops" she giggles "Help?"

Trigger helps her dry up.


Trigger looks up and smiles at his baby sister as she skips over to him. She's dressed in spandex shorts and a sports bra. "Did you just leave practice?" Without a though he stands and takes off his cut then his T-shirt slipping it over her head once she's in his reach.

She's used to his protectiveness so she simply lets him."Yes it was a grousome one. Oh Um the fees for the next comp are due" she twists her fingers "I almost have enough saved up but"

"How much?" Trig takes out his wallet

"Well it's nationals so uniforms and hotel expenses and comp fees and I want to buy the new team sweats and jacket but I have four hundred saved I just need like a few more. And I'll save up for the hotel expenses"

Trigger shakes his head handing her seven "Let me know how much the rest is and I'll give it to you. Save your money"


"No buts. But you know what I'll keep this until I drop you off at school tomorrow don't want you loosing it" he puts the money back before pulling her into his arms "I told you I'd pay for all your school stuff G."

Gia leans up and kisses his cheek "I love you"

"I love you too brat"

Gia stands there in her brothers arms. She's always been super close to him but at twelve after her Mom walked out he took full responsibility of her well-being. It's just the two of them and Tessa. Gia doesn't know what she would do without him. He's all she's got.

"Tigga! I all done!" Bobby is now soaking wet from head to toe. Trigger groans watching the little girl spill more soap all over her wheels "Bobby" he wines squating down so he can dry Bobby.

"Trig Trig- Sammy!" Gia is smacking his arm furiously trying to hide behind him. "Gia- oh fuck" Trigger stands pushing Bobby behind him Gia instantly lifts her into her arms pressing herself to Triggers back. His arm wraps around Gia holding the two girls close.

"Tessa baby what-"

Tessa looks crazed. Her eyes are darting around, her hands shaking. A gun in one hand. Pointed right at them.

"Don't act like you didn't know!" Tessa spits "We we're supposed to be okay! Everything was fine!"

"Everything is fine baby. What's going on? Talk to me" Trigger tries to keep his voice calm but he just wants to get Gia and Bobby out of here. He's so fucking Pissed.

"Stop fucking pretending like nothing's wrong! You know!"

"Know what? Tes baby-"

"You know I cheated on you!" She shouts "You've been distant!"

Triggers face goes blank his fists clenched "What"

Tessa's eyes widen as she starts pacing "I'm sorry! It- it was an accident! I swear it was just once!"

"With who"

Tessa pulls at her hair. "I was drunk and y-you were on a run like always! He was just there and I didn't think! It was just once I swear! But it's okay! It's okay baby once he had Bobby we'll go back to normal! He won't have a hold on me anymore he won't have anything to blackmail me with. Now that Fredricks going to have Bobby he'll leave me alone and we can be together forever we can- we can forget everything!"

Baker girl *Vacant Souls MC*Where stories live. Discover now