Prologue: A YouTuber's Welcome

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Lewis Dawkins was sitting at his desk in his gaming office, editing a video. Ever since Rhys (Razzbowski) had disappeared from his solo adventure, Lewis was starting to get worried about him. Would Rhys ever come back? He didn't know the answer. Lewis looked out his window. He noticed the mailman who was putting a special envelope in his mailbox, among the other things Lewis would usually get in the mail. Bills, promo things, coupons... Lewis finished editing, so he went outside, got the mail, and started sorting through it as Mabel, Lewis's dog was cuddling with him. He made sure to lock the door. Sitting on the couch, Lewis had finally gotten to the strange envelope, which had a mushroom to seal it. It reminded him of the Mario games, which Lewis loved. He also loved Pokemon. As he opened the envelope, he read the letter to himself.

"Hey Lewis! As you know, I've been on a solo adventure. In my travels, I came into possession of a mystical map...a treasure map, actually. It was inside a box I got from an old merchant in a town called Rogueport. Pretty cool, right? Daddy Razz is ecstatic! But, I've been caught up with something. You can help me find it! I know how much you love Mario and the franchise, so I wrote this letter for you, just like how Mario would. I've included the map with this letter, so please bring it with you when you come. I'll meet you at Rogueport!" - Rhys

Lewis's eyes widened. So that's where Rhys was off to! Rougeport... That name made Lewis's eyes light up. He looked at the map and realized that this was Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door. Lewis got out his phone, and called 8-Bit-Ryan. "Hey Lewis! What's up?" 8-Bit-Ryan picked up immediately. "Hey mate! I just got a letter from Rhys, and he wants me to come to Rougeport! Isn't that awesome!?" Lewis exclaimed. "Woah, Rougeport? What's that?" "That's where Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door takes place!!" "Oh! Now I remember! So why are you calling me?" "Well... I want to bring you, Ryan (Bazamalam), and Will Ryan (DAGames) with me. We can go on an adventure together!"

8-Bit-Ryan gasped. An adventure with Lewis Dawkins? It sounded like a dream! "Mate, we need to film some vlogs for YouTube. Our fans would go crazy seeing Rougeport existing!" "Agreed! Meet me at Location X. Bring Baz and Will with you!" "I'm on it! See you there!" "See ya!" 8-Bit-Ryan hung up. "Alright Mabel, I'm going to hang out with my friends. Don't worry, you'll be just fine alone. I'll be back before you know it!" And with that, Lewis turned off his computer and got his keys, phone, and jacket. He went outside, got into his car, and drove to Location X. He made sure to take his YouTube vlog equipment, to record and upload to YouTube. He could also post on his social media.

At Location X, 8-Bit-Ryan, Ryan (Bazamalam), and Will Ryan (DAGames) were waiting for Lewis to arrive. Location X was a boardwalk going to an ocean. It was beautiful, with many shops and people walking around. "So when is he coming?" "He's probably stuck in traffic." "Of course he is..." "Listen, we shouldn't give up on him. Rhys went on an adventure and hasn't come back. Doesn't that seem weird to you guys?" Will asked. "It is weird! It's been... a few weeks since he was gone. I'm surprised we haven't filed a missing person report," Ryan told. "Actually, it's been trending on Twitter. #RazzIsMissing, #RazzbowskiGone, along with the usual kpop stuff is up there. The fans know, Ryan," 8-Bit-Ryan stated. Then, Lewis arrived. "I'm here!" "Hey Lewis!" The three of them said. "Come on, there should be a ferry here waiting for us." The 4 of them walked over to the edge of the boardwalk. The ferry was labeled: Rougeport. So Lewis and his friends went onto the ferry.

As the ferry sailed on the sea, Lewis decided to film a vlog for YouTube. "What's going on guys! Dawko back again, hope you are fantastic today! My friends and I are going to a place named Rougeport! As you can see, we're on a ferry!" Lewis pointed the camera to 8-Bit-Ryan. "How are you feeling, mate?" "Oh, I'm okay. Kinda excited, actually," 8-Bit-Ryan stated to the camera. "We're on a hunt to find Razzbowski!" Ryan exclaimed. Will took the camera from Lewis, and pointed it at him. Lewis realized he forgot to get his Luigi hat to wear on this journey. He pouted, having this thought. He wasn't going to let a hat going to bring him down, because luckily for Lewis, 8-Bit-Ryan had brought Mario, Luigi, Wario, and Waluigi hats to wear. 8-Bit-Ryan put on the Mario hat, Lewis put on the Luigi hat, Will put on the Wario hat, and Ryan put on the Waluigi hat.

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