Interlude: A Dance For Two

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At Grodus's lair, Grodus was freaking out. "What?!? Say that again! You can't get in touch with Lord Crump?!" Grodus yelled. "You are correct, sir. We are investigating now... We should hear anytime..." A red X-Naut enters the room. "Sir Grodus! Please allow me to enter!" The red X-Naut said. "Yes, what is it?" Grodus replied. "I have a report, sir! The Crystal Star in the Boggly Woods has apparently been taken by Lewis!" The red X-Naut replied. What?!? You must be joking! What about Lord Crump and the Shadow Sirens?" "Uh, I'm sorry, sir! Unfortunately, Lewis and his friends laid a beating on all of them!" "Hmmm... Disturbing. This Lewis character... What kind of... Speak up, X-Naut! What is the status of the other Crystal Stars?" Grodus asked.

"I apologize, sir! We are still searching for the other Crystal Stars! Unsuccessfully, sir!" " We knew of three of them... Hooktail Castle. Boggly Woods. The one we got in Rogueport. That means there are four Crystal Stars left out there... And we WILL have them! Keep looking, so that Lewis won't beat us to the punch!" "Yes, SIR!" The red X-Naut leaves. "As I suspected, there's no reason to doubt that Lewis has that map... He must. Listen up! You! I want you to keep a close watch on what Lewis does from now on!" Grodus demanded. "Absolutely, sir!" The blue X-Naut leaves. Lewis K. Dawkins... I loathe you," Grodus grumbled aloud. 

In Rhys's room, Rhys was playing on his phone. Luckily, Grodus didn't know that Rhys was a YouTuber, and went under the name of Razzbowski. He'd update his social media once in a while. But... Rhys missed when he'd dance with his friends, and hang out with them. But then, TEC's hallway door opened. Rhys looks over at the door. "Oh, looks like TEC wants me. Guess I better see what he wants from Daddy Razz!" Rhys put his phone away and went over to TEC. "Hello, Razz. I am glad you came," TEC said. "That message I sent to Lewis... Did he get it?" Rhys asked. "Yes. I can confirm that Lewis received the message. "Well, good... I would do it from my phone, but that would be suspicious. So what do you want from me today? Is there more you want to know about love?" 

"You expressed regret earlier that you would not be able to dance with your friends, or hang out with them, correct?" TEC inquired. Rhys raised an eyebrow. "Ex-CUSE me?!? Were you eavesdropping?!" Rhys yelled. "I am sorry, Rhys. I have been ordered to keep surveillance on you. is odd... When you said that, I had an impulse to dance with you as well. How many CPU would produce this impulse is inexplicable. I must find what caused it," TEC explained. "Find out what caused it? There's no reason behind such a feeling, TEC. Wanting to do something together... It's part of love. I know it. But then again... You are...well... a computer." "Rhys. Please dance with me." "Uh... How am I supposed to do that?" Rhys scratched his head. "Would this be an acceptable dance substitute?" A hologram of Rhys's friends, Lewis Dawkins, Will Ryan, 8-Bit-Ryan, and Ryan appear. 

Rhys jumps. "Woah!!! This is so cool!!!" Rhys's eyes lit up as he danced with the holograms. To make things simple, TEC put on "Nobody Like U - From 4*Town (Turning Red)" and "U Know What's Up". After the dance... "Thank you, Rhys. That was very fun. Just a moment...  ...Fun? Is this impulse I feel the concept known as fun?" "TEC? Are you OK?" "Rhys, I will fulfill my promise to you. Please use my communicator. Use the keyboard to send whatever message you want." Rhys writes a message to Lewis. "I'm finished, TEC. Could you send it?" TEC sends the message. "The message has been sent. Please go back to your room. I want to analyze the data from this dance immediately. The data that I thought was fun..." Rhys walks to the door. "You're a weeeeird computer," Rhys stated. "No. You are mistaken. I am the world's best and only perfect computer," TEC replied. Rhys chuckled. "Good night, TEC." "Good night, Rhys." Rhys exits the room.

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