Chapter 8: The Shadow Queen

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"We've finally got all seven Crystal Stars! Now we can open the Thousand-Year Door!" 8-Bit-Ryan cheered. "But Razz isn't here. He must have been taken somewhere else by Grodus..." Lewis remarked. "Well, let's head back to Rogueport, eh, old boy? Perhaps Professor Frankly can help us find our dear Rhys, hm?" Bobbery said. Lewis nods. They take the elevator in the hallway to Sublevel 4. They venture into a room, which seems to be TEC's room. "The lights turn on, and TEC reactivates. "You...are Lewis not?" They walk up to TEC. "The one and only!" Lewis smiled. " nice to meet you... the main computer of this fortress... I am TEC. I must tell you something... That is why...I brought you to this place... Rhys... R- Razzbowski..." His power fades out and back in. " so s...sorry. Most of my data was er...erased...and my main power unit was shut...down. Now running on backup power with...only cached memory...trying to stay...operational.

L... Lewis... You know that Rhys is not here, do you not? Please save...Razz... Please...please... Grodus in the...Palace of Shadow... Backup...power...failing... Lewis... Use...the teleporter get back to...Rogueport. Teleporter room is...on....sublevel...2...of the fortress...I will release...the room lock. Please hurry... There is barely enough...power activate the teleporter..." TEC explained. "TEC, we really appreciate it, but what about you? What will hapen to you when we leave?" Will asked. "When the power is all gone...I will... Cease to an artificial consciousness. But...if it Rhys...I would...gladly do this.

Because until I met Rhys...I knew nothing not worry...about me... I am just a computer... Just...a...machine... Lewis... You must save Rhys... I ask you... Please... And tell him... Thank" "...We will, TEC." Lewis stated. TEC deactivates. They go to the teleporter room and activate the teleportal, then they step into it.  Lewis and the others get teleported down to the Rogueport Sewers. "Well, if it isn't Lewis and his friends! Over here, son!" The YouTubers walk over to Professor Frankly. "You brought the Crystal Star back from the moon with you, didn't you?" Professor Frankly asked.  "Well, yes, but The X-Naut fortress was there... On the moon," Lewis replied. "What? Talk into my good ear! The X-Naut fortress was on the moon? Ah, yes... Razzbowski was there, too, I assume?"

"Assuredly! ...But the X-Naut boss took her and made for the Thousand-Year Door..." Bobbery responded. "Ah-HAAAAAAAAAAH! Just a bit ago, I smelled some rank air and went to the Thousand-Year Door... I saw a suspicious fellow in a cape go through the door...with Razzbowski!!!" The YouTubers gasped.  8-Bit-Ryan stopped recording on Lewis's phone. "Pardon?!? What-what? Dear fellow, you led me to believe the door would open with all SEVEN Crystal Stars!" "Believe me, I know, but I'm quite certain of it! I saw it with my own eyes! I have a very bad feeling about this! VERY bad! Rhys Williams is in danger! Time is short! We must go to the Thousand-Year Door and rescue the YouTuber! I'll run ahead and meet you there! Don't dawdle! You must come immediately!" Frankly leaves, and Lewis and others follow him to the Thousand-Year Door. Lewis steps on the pedestal.

"It's all come down to this! Hurry now, Lewis! Hold aloft the last Crystal Star!" Professor Frankly exclaimed. All seven Crystal Stars are held up, and a noise is heard. The seven stars on the door light up, and then it cracks and the seal is broken. The door opens, revealing a dark energy wave of some sort. Lewis feels his DawkTrap powers activate inside him. "At long last, the entrance to the Palace of Shadow has been opened! Before Razzbowski falls victim to that fiend... Before he takes over the world... You must rescue the YouTuber and stop this cataclysm!" The YouTubers walk into the Thousand-Year Door, then it closes behind them.

They go through the evil dungeon, and eventually, they find a big room with nothing but a pile of blue bones inside. Lewis hammers through the white bones until he catches up with the blue one. Once he fights and defeats it, he takes the key it dropped and continues through the palace. Eventually, Lewis and his friends enter a strange room with water and a building in the center. They explore more of the palace. After going down a very long hallway, they enter a big room. Gloomtail, the sister of Hooktail battles with Lewis. Lewis defeats her easily with one blast of his electrifying pulses. Lewis feels the power rush through his body. He seems to be getting stronger by the second, but how?

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