Epilogue: A YouTuber's Farewell

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Lewis and his friends find their way out of the Palace Of Shadow, and make their way to the Rougeport Harbor. "So... You're leaving, then. Well, that's too bad... Having you around really did wonders for my research..." Professor Frankly told. "Aw, Professor, we'd never let you monopolize Lewis for your research, anyway! Besides, you said I could be your research assistant for next term!" Goombella remarked. Lewis chuckled. "Hrmm... Yes, that's right. And I thank you, Goombella. Lewis... Even after you leave here, please don't forget about us, all right? And we, in return, will wish that you find all the best in the future." "Never ever give up, Lewis! That's the most important thing I learned from you... Thanks, Lewis. Just promise me you'll think of me now and again, okay?" Goombella spoke. "Ummm... Lewis... Thanks to you, I've found courage and inner strength. I don't know how to say this, but...I think I like myself more since I've known you... And I feel like I've grown closer to my dad. It's all so hard to put into words... Ummmmm..." Koops tries to keep his thoughts together.

"My dear, dear Lewis and friends... I am ready to make my comeback in the theater now. I've found so many things on this journey that I can only express on stage... And with these new themes...I am so ready for that wonderful spotlight again! Please do come to see me once we've finished rehearsing! And bring your friends too, dear!" Flurrie announced. "We'll make sure to visit you, Flurrie!" Ryan replied. "Dawko... Oh, yeah, wait. I've gotta stop doing that. It's LEWIS, right? Well... You'll always be the UK to me, man! Because I was born in the Glitz Pit, and Dawko is, and always will be, the champ! So let's meet again, UK Crew! I mean it, man!" Yoshi cheered.
"Uhhhh... Lewis... I... I feel... I feel like I've grown to lo-" Vivian hesitates. "No. I've grown to love you, Lewis Dawkins... I want to be with you no matter what... I'm sure you've got a girl back home but... I want to be yours, Lewis..." Vivian becomes shy. Lewis kneels down to Vivian's eye level and kisses her. Vivian kisses back. "I ship it," Rhys told. "New OTP just dropped!" Ryan teased. Lewis chuckled as he pulled away. "Well, old boy... It was most agreeable that I had the chance to meet you... If not for you, then my dear Scarlette would still gaze down on a broken Bob-omb... But now, I'm off to sea again! I know Scarlette would have wanted it that way... Let's see each other again, Lewis! And this time, let it be on the high seas, old boy!" Bobbery expressed. 

"LEWISSSSSSSSSSSSS!" Punio and Petuni arrive, carrying Mushrooms. "Ah, we made it just in time!" "Take these with you!" We brought them so you'd have something to eat on the boat! Yummy!" "These are VERY fresh Mushrooms!" Lewis takes the Mushrooms from Petuni and Punio. He clears his throat. "If it wasn't for you all, the world would have fallen into darkness. But your brave hearts strove for peace... ...and saved this world! I don't know how to thank you...but know that the entire world is in your debt!" "What? Nonsense! We're the ones who should be thanking you, Dawko! If you and your YouTuber friends hadn't come to our little town... We'd all be puppets for the Shadow Queen and Grodus! The thought gives me hives!" Professor Frankly remarked.

The ferry arrives. "Oh, forgive my lateness, sir! I must have dozed off a bit! But please, come on board! I'll get you folks back at full steam!!!" The Captain said. Lewis and his friends board the ferry. Everyone waves to Lewis as they say goodbye to him and his friends. On the ferry, Lewis takes out his phone to record one last video. "What's going on guys? Dawko back again, hope you are fantastic today! We're back on the ferry to record one final vlog for you all," Lewis told. He turned the camera over to Rhys. "I was so scared when the X-Nauts took me. But... TEC was there for me and helped me get through it all. Daddy Razz didn't know what to do!" Rhys explained. "Oh, let me introduce you all to my new girlfriend, Vivian!" "Hi everyone!" Vivian beamed. "Mate! Look out there! Rogueport's shining! It's so beautiful!!" 8-Bit-Ryan pointed to the window. Lewis turned his attention and the camera to Rougeport.

A few hours later, the YouTubers arrive at Location X, where they had started their journey. They exit the ferry, and it takes off. "Well... I guess that's the end of our adventure," Lewis stated. "I had a blast, mate. Maybe we can do this again sometime!" Ryan replied. "Without all of the capturing and stuff," Rhys laughed awkwardly. "Right. Let's go-" 8-Bit-Ryan was interrupted by Lewis's phone. Lewis took his phone out. There's a call from Goombella. Lewis answers and puts it on speaker as the YouTubers walk to a bench on the boardwalk. "Hey Lewis! What's up? Goombella here! I'm still here working with Professor Frankly. We beat the Shadow Queen, but there's tons of Rogueport lore we still don't get..." Goombella told. The YouTubers chuckled. "My research with the professor goes on and on. With the info I gathered with you, we have lots of great leads now, though! Lewis... Like I always said, every myth contains a kernel of truth. Speaking of which, wanna know what was in the chest that the professor recovered? You're totally not gonna believe me when I tell you. It's... A secret!" Goombella laughed.  Lewis pouts.

"As part of my research, I did go back to many of the places we visited... And I saw everyone we traveled with, too! Koops is living peacefully in Petalburg with his dad and Koopie Koo. And, Lewis... Guess what Koops wants to do now! He wants to become mayor of Petalburg and live there in peace! Can you imagine? Still, it might just be perfect for him, come to think of it. He's so much more of an adult now than when you left Rogueport! ...Still, I think Koopie Koo pretty much has him wrapped around her little finger!" "Awww!" Vivian said. "Flurrie's back on stage in a big way, and the crowds are totally ecstatic. And, the play she's doing right now is the story of our adventure! Yeah! It's called 'Paper Lewis'! I saw it twice! It was totally the best play ever! And somehow, Doopliss has joined the troupe as an actor! Who saw that coming? His transformation skills are serving him well, but it still kind of creeps me out..." Goombella explained.

"What about Yoshi?" Ryan asked. "Oh, little Yoshi? Yeah, he's fighting solo in the Glitz Pit! He says he's getting pretty close to a title match, even! Isn't that just ADORABLE? Oh, yeah, he's calling himself Dawko Jr in the ring, by the way. It's sorta silly, but kinda cute, too, don'tcha think? Oh, and... Wait, I have to get this exactly right or he'll get like, SO mad at me... He, uh, said that he could totally take you in the ring now, so bring it! I guess he doesn't change... Isn't that too cute?" Lewis chuckled. Dawko Jr was such a cute name for Yoshi. "Now that the Shadow Queen has been defeated, Beldam promised me she would never be mean to Vivian ever again. Marilyn finally got surgery for her voice box. Yup, I think the three sirens are going to live pretty peacefully from now on. Beldam and Marilyn will visit often..." Vivian's eyes light up. 

"Bobbery goes out to sea every day now with Cortez... I think his soul has healed. I ran into him on Keelhaul Key by accident the other day, which was nice. He was so happy, I thought he was going to blow up on me for a second there. You know... I bet Scarlette is looking down on him and smiling right now. Oh, and I almost forgot... Everyone on Keelhaul Key is well, and they say hello. In my travels, I heard a rumor that Lord Crump and Grodus were both still alive. I guess that makes them pretty tenacious baddies, doesn't it, Lewis? But they've mellowed a lot, just like Beldam has, and I don't expect more trouble. Plus, I hear Grodus is just a head, which really cuts down on mischief-making." "Grodus needs to get A HEAD on the competition here!" Lewis told. The YouTubers and Vivian laughed. 

"Speaking of miracle survivals... Guess whose favorite computer is still computing? He says he really wants to see you and Rhys again! Well, I'm totally rambling at this point, so I guess I'd better wrap up this call... I just wanna say, even though things got tough, I'm grateful for our time together. And... There is one thing that kind of weighed on me and I never got to express to you. See, I... Well... Maybe that's best kept a secret," Goombella said. "Back off, Goombella! Lewis is mine!" Vivian teased as she kissed Lewis on the cheek. "'Til we meet again!" Goombella stated. Lewis hung up. "Well... Let's go home," Lewis told. 

At Lewis's home, Lewis pulled up after getting his car keys from his pocket. As he and his new girlfriend walked in, Mabel jumped up to lick Lewis's face. "Mabel!" Lewis laughs, getting tackled to the floor. Vivian giggled. "This is my dog, Mabel. Mabel, meet my girlfriend Vivian," Lewis told as he got up. Mabel licks Vivian's face. "Wow, your dog is so playful!" "Come on, let's go upstairs. We've got a video to upload." Vivian follows Lewis to his gaming office. Lewis sits on his chair, turns on his PC, and uploads the footage to YouTube. Vivian sits in Lewis's lap, resting her head on his chest. Lewis sings a song to Vivian while he waits for the video to process, allowing her to fall asleep in Lewis's arms. 

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