Interlude: A Clever Disguise

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At Grodus's chamber, the Shadow Sirens were chatting with Grodus. "Beldam... Tell me, what good are you? You STILL haven't taken care of that Lewis character?" Grodus asked. "Well, yes, sorry, but... Only because he's tougher than we thought at first..." Beldam replied. "You do understand that we X-Nauts must open the door first, do you not?" "Mweee hee hee hee hee... Well, rest assured that I will definitely nail him next time. We have prepared a weapon that will bring him to a quick and certain end. I trust your words...though I rapidly lose my patience." "Just leave it to us, sire. Mweee hee hee hee hee... Let's away, my lovelies! Marilyn! Vivian!" Beldam leaves. "Ugghh...guh." Marilyn leaves. "..." Vivian leaves. 

Meanwhile, in Rhys's room... "Well, I'm officially bored." Those awful X-things haven't been back to ask about the map... Is it safe?" The door leading to the hallway opens. "Oh, looks like TEC wants me. He continues into TEC's room. "Hey TEC, what's up?" Rhys asked. "I would like you to go to where Sir Grodus is and ask him something," TEC replied. "Ask him what?" "I recently obtained specific information that brought an...issue to my attention." "You ARE the main computer here, right? Why is there anything you don't know?" "I am unable to know things that are not entered in my CPU or otherwise recorded. That is why I want to know what Sir Grodus is thinking about this issue." "But...even if I try to go see him, they'll catch me and send me back to the room!" Rhys remarked.

"That is true. But you will find a soldier's room one floor up. Take the elevator. Once there, please obtain a soldier's uniform and change into it, avoiding detection. You will go see Sir Grodus looking like a soldier." Rhys grinned. "Leave it to me, TEC. I'll make sure they won't see me." Rhys exits the room. He walks up to the elevator, and it opens. Then, he enters it and is taken to the upper floor. "Please wait just a moment. There are currently soldiers in the vicinity." "Huh?" An X-Naut walks by. "Now, Razz. It's the room with the green lamp very near where you disembark the elevator."

He exits the elevator and finds an unlocked door, which he enters. "Please change here. Quickly. The soldier's uniform should be in a locker." Rhys opens some lockers and finds a uniform that looks awfully familiar to him. It's a purple button-down shirt, black tie, black pants which are held up by a black belt, and a yellow badge. There are some brown shoes and socks too. "Wait a second here..." Rhys takes the uniform and goes into a dressing room. He puts it on and looks into the mirror. He gasps. "I look like William Afton!!!" Rhys screamed. "I thought I could surprise you, Rhys. You love FNAF, don't you?" TEC asked.

"Of course I do! Man, do I look handsome!" Razz takes a selfie and posts it on his social media. He notices a device on his shirt. "What's this device, TEC?" "It's to disguise your voice. Makes it sound more like William Afton. After all, you have a... Scottish accent." "I see."  Rhys exits the dressing room, looking just like William Afton. He puts on the voice filter, continues into Grodus's lair, and speaks with him. "Excuse me... Sir Grodus?" Rhys asked. "Yes, what is it? Speak! Er, well... It's about Rhys Williams... What do you plan to do with him going forward?" Oh, about Rhys Williams? I have no interest in what that YouTuber has to say. I believe he goes by Razzbowski. However... I wanted Dawko. That man... Lewis K. Dawkins... I wanted him. That man is the smartest and most clever man I have ever seen... But that's not important, Mr Afton. "Just keep him locked in the room. But don't ever, EVER treat him roughly. Do you understand? Tell the others as well," Grodus explained. He goes to walk off.

"But... If you want Dawko... Uh, why... Why in the world are we keeping him here, then?" "That's none of your business, Mr Afton! Concentrate on getting the legendary treasure! That is all I require of you. We X-Nauts need that treasure to conquer the world! Don't forget it!" "I see..." Rhys leaves and goes back to the locker room. He turns off the voice filter. "Oooh... That was unnerving... All that stuff about conquering the world... Talk about creepy. I wonder if that has anything to do with collecting those Crystal Stars. He goes back to the dressing room, and changes back into his regular clothing. "TEC, you didn't tell me your goal is to conquer the world!!" Rhys yelled. 

"Of course. After all, I was built for that purpose," TEC replied. "Conquering the world... How could you..." "Rhys, allow me to ask you something. Do you like the world you live in? There are many problems in the world, many sorrows. Do you like such a world?" "Of course I do! Nobody likes everything about the world, but I love the good parts! There are many sorrows, sure...but there is also joy." "...Is that so?" "Tell me! Will the Crystal Stars help you conquer the world? And what's this treasure?" "I am afraid I cannot answer. Answering those questions is prohibited by Sir Grodus." "Well... But... Oh, never mind. I must at least inform Lewis about this awful plan for world domination... TEC. Let me use your communicator." "I suppose I can allow that. Please use the communicator." Rhys writes a message to Lewis. "Send it this instant!" TEC sends the message. "The message has been sent. Well then, Rhys. You have had a busy day. Go back to the room, please." "Oh... Okay." He walks to the door, looks at TEC for a moment, then walks out. "Good night, Rhys," TEC told. 

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