Chapter 5: The Pirate's Way Of Life

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Back at Twilight Town, everyone is restored back to normal. "I can't believe it was a fake Lewis all that time... So we were all fooled... I'm so sorry, Lewis... After all you've done for our town... Did we hurt your feelings?" Dour apologized. "Yeah, a little. I'm especially hurt by the Ryans and WIll. My heart shattered!" Lewis told. The Ryans and Will now feel worse for not believing Lewis. "... Er... Well, all right, it's okay to be in touch with your feelings. So then! You've brought a shining ray of light to our dim little town! Twilight Town thanks you!" "Hey, Lewis... We need to get back to Rogueport, right? Let's go," Vivian told. "Please come back to visit anytime you like!

They exit Twilight Town. As they exit the room where the pipe to Twilight Town is, Lewis gets another message from Rhys. "I have finally learned what the legendary treasure is. It is the spirit of a demon! The X-Nauts plan to revive this thousand-year-old monster... And use its power to take over the world! They're collecting the Crystal Stars so they can open the Thousand-Year Door... They'll find this demon's spirit... But the only thing that can keep it locked away is the Crystal Stars themselves! You must not let them get the Crystal Stars! Please, Lewis... You must put a stop to their horrible plans!" - Rhys They continue to the room with the Thousand-Year Door. Lewis stands on the pedestal and holds up the fourth Crystal Star. Will gets a green streak in his hair. "We'd better hurry, don't you think? We should go up to the professor's office! We have to let him know about Rhys's message!"
At Frankly's office... "Whuh-Whuh-WHAAAAAAT?!? Th-That was written in Rhys's message? The legendary treasure is actually the spirit of an ancient demon... And those fiends want to use the power of the Crystal Stars to resurrect it? How bone-chilling... Sadly, it DOES seem to be consistent with what I've uncovered..." Professor Frankly told. "What have you found out, Professor?" Vivian asked. Lewis uploaded the vlog to YouTube. The adventures of Lewis Dawkins and his friends are blowing up on the internet! "Hrmm... This is rather long, so you'd best listen well. Are all of you ready? And you there! Reading this AU! You listen up, too!" "Did he just break the fourth wall?" Will asked. "You did too." "R.I.P fourth wall, it has been shattered," Lewis said. 

"The great cataclysm that I read about in that book may well refer to this demon... It says that a monster destroyed a large town that once stood in this same area. It ALSO says that the seven Crystal Stars were actually CREATED by this monster... AND that this thing used the power of the Crystal Stars to try to control the world... According to this book, the demon was defeated in the end by four heroes. But only the beast's physical form was destroyed... Its spirit could not be eradicated. So, the heroes used the Crystal Stars, which they had stolen from the demon... And they cast the evil beast into the depths of a vast maze and sealed the exit... From this, I gather that the Crystal Stars cannot distinguish good from evil. So, if they're all united, they could either seal away or resurrect the demon. It seems that who wields the Crystal Stars determines if they're used for evil or good," Professor Frankly explained.

"I guess we ought to consider not collecting the Crystal Stars, then... It would be awful if we found them all, only to have them stolen for evil purposes. Does anyone think it might just be better to destroy them once and for all?" Vivian proposed. "That was my first thought, too, but further research suggests we can't do that. There's a slight possibility that the Thousand-Year Door is weakening. It seems the Crystal Stars hold the power to seal the beast for a thousand years. So, once a thousand years pass, the power to keep the door sealed shut will fail. And unfortunately, this year may be the thousandth year. Bad luck, huh? The fact that those goons want the stars now may be a coincidence...but maybe not. In other words, we must be ready for the demon's return, even if the X-Nauts fail." "Oh. I guess we'd better find the other Crystal Stars then, huh?" "Hrmm... According to the map, it appears to be somewhere on Keelhaul Key." 

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