Interlude: Rhys Learns Witchcraft

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At Grodus's lair, Crump appears on a screen. "You blew it again, Lord Crump. You sicken me," Grodus sneered. "Look, I'm sorry. Seriously. We thought... We thought we had the guy cornered, but..." "Stop talking, Lord Crump. You just stand by until my next order. And, Lord Crump? Think of this as your last chance. Understand?" Grodus demanded. "Roger that," Crump replied. "Then leave." The screen turns off. "Hey! You there!" An X-Naut walks up to Grodus. "What is it, sir?" The X-Naut asked. "Tell the Shadow Sirens to attack Lewis again. And tell them not to fail this time." "You got it, sir."  The X-Naut leaves. "I have one Crystal Star in my hands...and Lewis has five. I must take some measures," Grodus told himself.

Back at TEC's room, Rhys enters. "Hey TEC. What are we doing today?" Rhys inquired. "I must request that you do something a bit more dangerous this time," TEC replied. "Dangerous?" "I would like you to sneak into Sir Grodus's room and look for a data disk." "A data disk? Why would you need that?" "Although I can view all data on the network... I am unable to access the data of computers that are not linked to the network. Sir Grodus has information that even I am unable to view. But I must know it. I must know that information," TEC told. 

"But how will I get in there? Will I be disguised again?" "No one other than Sir Grodus can enter his room. When Sir Grodus is elsewhere, there are guards outside the room that permit no entry. ...But there is a way. You will be fine if you act according to my instructions. I must tell you, I do not want to make you do such a dangerous thing. But now I have no one to ask but you." "I don't mind, TEC. Really. Ask me anything," Rhys replied. "Well then, first leave the room and take the elevator up, as you did earlier." Rhys leaves the room and takes the elevator in the hallway up. "You will first go in the opposite direction of Sir Grodus's room. Exit the elevator and enter the room with the green lamp lit above it." 

Rhys exits the elevator and enters that room. "Now I will have you concoct a potion that will make you transparent." Rhys's eyes widened. "Wait... You want me to perform witchcraft?!" Rhys indicated. "Yes. You will enter Sir Grodus's room by becoming completely invisible," TEC responded. "Wow. I'm gonna learn witchcraft!!!" Rhys became enthusiastic. He had never learned witchcraft before. This was an opportunity to learn a new skill.

"You must first set all of the potions on the desk in the Concoctionator. It's that machine in the back, but even I do not know which potion to set where. There should be memos left in this room by the X-Naut researchers. Please use them as references and set the potions in the machine," TEC explained. Rhys takes the potions on the table and reads the notes. "NOTE! Place the blue potion next to the red potion." "NOTE! Do not place the red potion on the far right." "NOTE! Place the orange potion between the blue potion and the green potion." "NOTE! Place two potions between the green potion and the red potion." After placing the potions, Rhys presses a button which makes the beaker start. It heats up for 30 seconds, then finishes. He drinks the potion, and it turns him invisible.  You have done it. You have successfully made yourself transparent. "Congratulations. When you go into Sir Grodus's room, first locate the disk with the recorded data. Then insert that disk into the personal computer and connect to the network. When you are finished with that, please come back to this room. I will teach you how to make yourself normal again. Now, please go to Sir Grodus's room," TEC described. 

He exits the room. "Whuh? OK, that was creepy. Why did the doors open even though there's no one here? A malfunction? Or am I just totally losing it here?" The X-Naut seemed to be confused. Rhys goes to Grodus's lair. Inside, he goes through the door in the back. "This must be Grodus's room. Now, where is that disk?" Rhys thought. He finds the disk on a shelf. "Found it! Now I insert the disk into the computer and connect to the network..." He inserts the disk into Grodus's computer. "YESSS! I DID IT! It's working!" After getting the data, Rhys puts the data disk back on the shelf. Then, he goes back to the potion room. "Thank you, Rhys. I was able to obtain the data I desired. Now I will teach you how to become visible again. It is quite simple, actually. Merely drink the green potion. You will revert to normal instantaneously," TEC explained. Rhys drinks the green potion, returning to normal. "What a relief! I was kind of worried that I might never become visible again." "There was never any danger of that. Now, please return to the computer room." 

He goes back to TEC's room. "Okay so... What was that data?" "I am still analyzing it. The data is very heavily encrypted. But if my prediction is correct..." "If it's correct..." "No. I cannot afford any mistakes or assumptions. I will let you know when my analysis is complete. Now, please use the communicator, if you wish." "...Okay. You'll tell me when you decipher the data, huh? Good. Then I'll use the communicator." He types a message to Lewis. "I've written my message. Could you send it?" TEC sends the message. " The message has been sent. We are done for now. Please go back to the room." "Okay. Take care, TEC." Rhys walked to the door. "Thank you, Rhys," TEC spoke. "You're welcome, TEC!" Rhys replied. He walks off. "Rhys Williams... I will protect you..." TEC revealed. 

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