Interlude: The Secret Of The Thousand-Year Door

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Meanwhile, at Grodus's lair... "Are you sure about this? Speak up, X-Naut!" "Yes, sir, quite sure. I poured over all our research of the Thousand-Year Door... ...And it appears the sealing power has definitely been weakening, as Beldam said," The Blue X-Naut said. "Finally, the treasure of legend... The ancient power of darkness will soon be ours! Listen, and listen well! Keep giving the Crystal Star search top priority! Of course, that also includes the elimination of Lewis! That meddling scum..." "Got it, sir!" The blue X-Naut leaves. "Soon I will have the power that has slept for a millennium... So very soon! And when that glorious day dawns, I'll throw the world into the depths of terror! No one can stop me now. All will kneel before the X-Naut regime! And then I, Grodus, will build a new world! A perfect, ideal world... Yes. A world made by me, about me, and for me! GAAACK ACK ACK ACK ACK!" Grodus monologued to himself.

At TEC's room, Rhys enters. "TEC? What shall I do today? Will it be dancing, perhaps? Disguising? Or will I sing a song or something?" Rhys asked. "I... I am conflicted," TEC replied. There is silence for a moment. "What's wrong, TEC? You don't seem yourself..." "Which is more important? Carrying out an order or protecting a critical person? I exist for the purpose of a certain person. I wish to exist for the purpose of another... I do not know what to do... Really." "What do you mean?" "No... No, never mind. Please forget my musings. I do not know why...but it makes me feel unpleasant if I make you worry. Well, in any case... Let's have a quiz." Rhys seemed confused. Is TEC okay? "A quiz?" "That's right, Rhys. Please answer the questions that I am about to ask you. If you can answer five questions, you may use the communicator as usual. Now, the first question. What will happen if you collect seven Crystal Stars?" TEC asked.

"The Thousand-Year Door opens," Rhys responded. "Correct. Now, the second question." What is the goal of Grodus, leader of the X-Nauts?" "To conquer the world, of course. He's a villain," Rhys told. "Correct. Now, the third question. What is the legendary treasure that waits behind the Thousand-Year Door?" Rhys raises an eyebrow. He looks at his options. There was no way a thousand-year-old door could have a badge or 100,000,000 coins, Rhys knew that. The only option... Was the 1,000-year-old demon's soul. "A thousand-year-old demon's soul." "Correct. Now, the fourth question. What does Sir Grodus wish to do with this ancient demon's soul?" "To.. bring the demon back to life." Rhys was starting to become frightened. "Correct. Now, the fifth question. What is required to seal up the demon again?"

"The Crystal Stars." "Correct. You have correctly answered all five questions. Now you may use the communicator. Please input the message you wish to send." Rhys types a message to Lewis. He thought about what TEC has just told him. "Uh... OK. I'm done. Could you send it?" TEC sends the message. "The message has been sent. That is all for now. Please go back to the room." He walks to the door. "Thank you... You're still a weird computer, TEC." Rhys leaves. "Good night,  Rhys," TEC said.

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