Chapter 1: Castle And Dragon

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The group heads into the pipe, one by one. Then they get spit out into Petal Meadows. "Well, here we are! The Petal Meadows, where folks say a Crystal Star hides. Woo hoo! Here we go, Lewis! The start of our adventure! This is completely awesome!" Lewis stares in awe, taking in the beauty of Petal Meadows. Will had started another vlog. "Woah... This place is so pretty!" WIll told. "I wish we could just stay here forever," 8-Bit-Ryan replied. They proceed and hear a loud roar. A shadow can be seen above them, as it flies north. "Whoa! What was that?" Ryan asked. They find a dragon which flies into a castle.

"Totally incredible... I've never seen anything that humongous before. It looked kinda scary, too. Weird... Professor Frankly said this place was peaceful. Wow! Crazy! We just started, and already there's intrigue! C'mon, Lewis! Let's go!" Goombella beamed. Lewis and his friends go through more of the meadows. They end up in the town of Petalburg, which is populated by Koopa Troopas. "Welcome, travelers! This is Petalburg! Sorry, but it's been a long time since we've had visitors here. We're kind of remote. Yeppity, once that dragon Hooktail was spotted flying around this area... Well, it didn't help tourism, put it that way. People just stopped visiting," A Koopa Troopa explained.

"Well, it's nice to be here!" "Dragon? Hooktail? That must've been that huge thing we saw earlier! So, it's called Hooktail, huh? Oooooh, scary name! Pffffft! Green Boots, have you ever heard of these things called Crystal Stars? We're on this quest for them. It's very important!" Goombella explained. "Crystal Stars, you say? Hmmm... Nope, can't say that I have. Sorry about that. You might want to speak with the mayor, though. He's old... Really, really old. As such, he knows all kinds of stuff we don't. Koopas of his age, smart. Anyway, the mayor lives in that pink house up ahead. You should go check it out. "A pink house? Sounds totally hideous...but it should be easy to find. Thanks for your help!"

They continue through the village and find the mayor's house, then they go inside and speak with him. "Hmph? Whuzzat? Someone there? Who is it? WHO?!? What do you want from me? I know! You're thieves! Here to rob a defenseless old Koopa! Despicable!" Mayor Kroop yelled. "Uh sir, we're not thieves..." Lewis told. "Go on, do what you will...but as you can plainly see, there's nothing to steal here. Oh, I guess I have a little money... Take it, you fiends. And my antique shell, too. Just leave the photos of me and the missus. Can't do without those memories..." "We're not thieves! We're looking for Crystal stars!" Will explained. "What? Not thieves, you say? Well, what's your story, then? Oh, wait... You folks looking for Crystal Stars?

Well, why didn't you pipe up before, you ijit! We're just wasting time, here! The Crystal Stars you say you're hunting... Errrmm... Wait... What did I hear about those dang things, again? Aha! Got it! Hooktail! Hooktail's got what you're looking for! It's this enormous, ornery dragon. Eats folks, they say. You know Hooktail, right?" Mayor Kroop asked. "Yeah!" "Well, this Hooktail's brutal fly-by snackings have all of us on pins and needles. So, are you reckless fools... I mean... are you gallant heroes off to rough it up?" "Wait wait wait. You want us to get rid of Hooktail?" Ryan inquired. "This DOES sound promising! Why, if you can rid us of Hooktail, we'll shower you with gratitude and rewards. Wait, what's that I hear? You'll accept no reward?"

"We didn't say that!" Will facepalmed.  What an unselfish group! You're all noble, indeed... Noble... video creators... Now... What did you say your name was, again?" "I'm Dawko, Lewis Dawkins." "...Dawkins? Hmm... That's a fine name. Yes, a fine name, indeed. Well now, Dawkins..." "It's LEWIS." "I have never seen anyone call you Dawkins, mate," 8-Bit-Ryan commented. "I appreciate that, Dawkins! They ARE nice eyebrows. Now, listen up. If you're intent on going to Hooktail's castle, find the secret pipe near this village. I don't know where it's at, but I know you need stone keys to use that pipe. The keys are somewhere in Shhwonk Fortress, just past the village. Get them first," Mayor Kroop explained.

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